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Sign of the Times

Filed in Delaware by on November 5, 2008 31 Comments
Sign of the Times

This morning three groggy bloggers dragged their collective ass out of bed and down to Milton for a 2 hour show with Maria Evans.  On our way down, we came across the sign of the year.  It is the business sign for Hudson Management (Christian Hudson is a contributor at DelawarePolitics).  We loved the sign […]

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UPDATE: What to Expect From DelawareLiberal This Week

Filed in Delaware by on November 3, 2008 20 Comments

Obviously, this is the biggest week on the calendar for political junkies.  We are here to make sure you get your fix of Delaware politics during the next few days.  So here is a rundown of what we will be doing. Tomorrow, at least, Jason and I will be filing reports from the field during […]

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Copeland’s Vaunted Wilmington Campaign

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2008 13 Comments
Copeland’s Vaunted Wilmington Campaign

For weeks, Kilroy has been taunting us that Copeland was making inroads in Wilmington.  This is pretty laughable.  In the past few days, Kilroy has been saying that the Republicans had a full-on assault coming our way. One of our intrepid readers caught the newest strategy in action.  I think it is appropriate that this […]

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Quick Turn-around on Cheney Endorsement

Filed in National by on November 2, 2008 2 Comments

As I posted yesterday, Dick Cheney endorsed McCain/Palin.  I thought that was going to leave a mark.  It has.

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Land of a Thousand Handshakes

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2008 10 Comments

Last night, my 7 year old daughter was spending the night at a friends home, so we had the 11 year old son to entertain.  I saw that there was a Middletown v. Sallies football game down at Middletown so we set our sights on it. I had to get some money, so I stopped […]

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DelawareLiberal.Net Down-Ticket Endorsements: The House

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2008 0 Comments

There are so many races and so little time. We honestly don’t have the knowledge to endorse in every race, so we have decided to endorse the races that we are comfortable with making an endorsement for. RD 22 Rebecca Young represents the true spirit of what this democracy is supposed to be about. Having […]

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Powers Mailer Takes Aim at Cathcart

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2008 10 Comments
Powers Mailer Takes Aim at Cathcart

Today I received a mailer from Bill Powers (I think the first that I have ever received) that takes on Dick Cathcart for his sponsorship of HB 383.  Apparently this is a law that cuts impact fees to developers.  It will be interesting to see if this makes any difference in this race.  I have […]

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Thank You Mr. Vice President

Filed in National by on November 1, 2008 5 Comments

Oh, the joy.  Dick Cheney has endoresed John McCain for President.  That one will likely leave a mark. [youtube][/youtube]

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Another Fishy KWS Lie

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2008 25 Comments

Brian Shields, of The Mourning Constitution, has blown a huge hole in the excuse that Karen Weldin Stewart campaign manager, Elliot Jacobson gave for her defaulted credit cards.  Her campaign racked up debt before it existed.  Good trick.

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DelawareLiberal.Net Down-Ticket Endorsements: The Senate

Filed in Delaware by on October 31, 2008 1 Comment

The following are DelawareLiberal’s endorsements for the State Senate. A lack of an endorsement should signify nothing besides a lack of information on our part.

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A Handy-Dandy State Poll Guide

Filed in National by on October 31, 2008 2 Comments

I just came across this chart with poll closing times from all of the states.  This is exactly the sort of thing that I would be looking for at about 6:30 on Tuesday night, so that I didn’t have to rely of the master of all information, Chuck Todd.

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Guest Post From John Kowalko

Filed in Delaware by on October 31, 2008 23 Comments

There is a widespread and insidious voter fraud being perpetrated in Delaware this election. The national and local media attention may be directed at purging of legitimate voters from the rolls or alleged ACORN registration fraud but it has failed to scrutinize fraud that is practiced at the expense of the individual voter here in […]

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The Biden Rally at UD

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 31, 2008 9 Comments

This morning I took a look at my schedule and checked for any issues in my work inbox.  There wasn’t anything burning, so I took some time out of the office to check out the Biden rally on the University of Delaware mall. I have been wondering what the heck they were doing having a […]

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