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Rumor Mill: Biden En Route to Chicago

Filed in National by on August 22, 2008 7 Comments

Delaware Dem just told me that there is a story floating around out there that Joe Biden is on his way to New Castle to meet a plane heading there from Chicago.

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Win Friends, Influence People

Filed in National by on August 22, 2008 6 Comments

John McCain has foot-in-mouth disease. McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona. Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer. “I’ll take it!” one man shouted. McCain insisted none of them would […]

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Introducing the DelawareLiberal.Net Podcast

Filed in National by on August 21, 2008 11 Comments

In anticipation of Tommywonk’s excellent adventure in Denver, here is the first podcast from DelawareLiberal.Net.

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Preview of Convention Coverage

Filed in National by on August 21, 2008 1 Comment

One week from today, Barack Obama will accept the nomination of the Democratic party to be President of the United States.  Love him or hate him, it is an historic event.  DelawareLiberal intends to be at the forefront of local coverage. Tom Noyes will be filing reports with us in the form of a podcast […]

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Any High School Basketball Fans Here?

Filed in National by on August 19, 2008 9 Comments

I’ll admit that I am not much of a basketball fan, but I have been fascinated by Elena Delledon for years.  The rivalry that she developed with another player at St. E’s was really a boon for womens basketball in Delaware.  When her rival, Khadijah Rushdan went to Rutgers, Elena stood alone in the state […]

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Lifflander v. Good Old Boy(s)

Filed in National by on August 18, 2008 28 Comments

I have been hearing some stories out of Sussex County about the Atkins/Lifflander Primary. I have to admit that I have been sorely lacking in my pursuit for this race. I have heard stories of sign theft, intimidation and even that Lifflander might drop out. This made me sad, since I think that Atkins back […]

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Liveblogging Tonight

Filed in National by on August 16, 2008 5 Comments

I have activated the liveblogging link at the top for use during the Obama/McCain event tonight.  Hopefully some of you will be able to join in to the conversation tonight.  Feel free to click here to join in on the conversation.

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Radio-Free Cape Breton

Filed in National by on August 10, 2008 12 Comments

Damn.  I go to Canada to spend my stimulus package and I go to the only place that is wifi free.  No biggie, right?  Wrong.  I miss the Edwards affair and Bernie Mac is dead.  Add to that the Denn/Copeland domain controversy and I feel like I missed a lot.  I am back, sort of.  […]

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On Drinking Liberally

Filed in National by on August 2, 2008 5 Comments

I have been on the road for the past two days heading up to the Great White North and have been unable post. And as I type this I am riding in the passenger seat of the Civic hybrid trying not to criticize Mrs. Geeks driving. The event at Catherine Rooney’s went even better than […]

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Tonight is the Night

Filed in National by on July 31, 2008 11 Comments
Tonight is the Night

I know that it is hard to forget, but I’ll remind you again.  Tonight at 7:30 is a special Drinking Liberally at Catherine Rooney’s.  We will be making fools out of ourselves for a good cause. $5 per vote will help elect Delaware’s Hottest Blogger and help send Tom Noyes to Denver for the DNCC.  […]

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Let’s Arrest The Crooks Ourselves!

Filed in National by on July 30, 2008 16 Comments

Over at the Huffington Post there is an article about using citizens arrest to capture Karl Rove, Harriet Meirs or John Bolton. This is intriguing.  I wonder if we could turn the Delaware beaches into a bastion for apprehending criminals. And before any of you start saying that it is not within our rights to […]

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Ted Stevens Indicted on 7 Counts

Filed in National by on July 29, 2008 20 Comments

This just in, Ted Stevens (R-AK) has been indicted on 7 counts of making false statements. H/T TPM TUBES! [youtube][/youtube]

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LiberalGeek is Delaware’s Hottest Blogger

Filed in National by on July 27, 2008 14 Comments

A little over a year ago, a blogger claimed himself to be Delaware’s Hottest Blogger. There was no election, he was the Paul Bremer of Hot Bloggers. We had interim elections a few months ago to try to control this blogger and make him obey the rule of law. He lost that vote.  Instead, he […]

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