A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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Good Old Time in Sussex County

Filed in Delaware by on March 20, 2011 15 Comments

Last night was the annual Sussex County Democrats Spring Dinner, held once again at the CHEER Center in Georgetown. A sell-out crowd of 200 people (and this is an off year) gathered for some good food (catered by Georgia House) and live and silent auctions. The main speaker was Lt. Governor Matt Denn, who really […]

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Update on Sussex County GOP

Filed in Delaware by on March 15, 2011 23 Comments

It seems that the Ron Sams resignation is music to the ears of the teabaggers. But these folks aren’t done. Last week, Cape School Board member and 9/12 “Patriot” Sandi Minard, published a letter calling Sams a liar concerning the need to move the February and March meetings of the Sussex GOP. Our friends at […]

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Sheriff Jeff Wants to Be Supercop

Filed in Delaware by on March 15, 2011 22 Comments

Today was the day that Sussex County Sheriff Jeff “Supercop” Christopher (Teabag-Sussex) made his initial presentation to the County Council. Prior to this morning’s meeting, Supercop had never spoken to the Council, although he has accused them in emails to the 9/12 “Patriots” of blocking his agenda. I knew the day would start off well […]

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Sussex County GOP Chair Resigns

Filed in Delaware by on March 14, 2011 8 Comments

Sussex County GOP Chair Ron Sams has resigned. Sussex County Republican Chairman Ron Sams announced during a meeting of the party’s executive committee tonight he was resigning in May. Elbert Collins, of Laurel, whose wife works on the election committee, was at the meeting where the announcement was made. “Ron simply gave a speech, indicated […]

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I Want This Guy Representing Me!

Filed in National by on February 22, 2011 7 Comments

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Slap an Idiot Day

Filed in National by on February 11, 2011 13 Comments

Supposedly, today is Slap an Idiot Day. So who would you slap? For me, it would be Ayotte and Knotts.

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Katie Takes it to Glenn

Filed in National by on January 26, 2011 25 Comments

You know how when you turn a light on in dank dark room and the roaches squirm to find a place to hide… well this is one of those moments… but there is nowhere to hide this time. Watch today’s “Father Coughlin” wriggle like the slime he is.

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Time for Pat Robertson to Hang it Up

Filed in National by on January 25, 2011 4 Comments

I know that Pat Robertson hates the gays. He’s been on us for decades, blaming us for earthquakes, hurricanes, forest fires, and 9/11. Personally, me thinks he dost protest too much (you know what they say about closet cases – the ones who yell the loudest about the gays are the ones with the most […]

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Tony Bagels and the Rest of the Mob

Filed in National by on January 23, 2011 13 Comments

Seems that there was a big round-up of suspected Mafiosi the other day. I don’t think these were your Tony Soprano types. These guys were allegedly the real deal. In my childhood neighborhood, the local rackets were run by the Smalldone brothers, Eugene (“Checkers”), Clarence (“Chauncey”, and Clyde (“Flip-Flop”). I met Checkers and Chauncey a […]

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Socialized Health Care Before There Was Socialism

Filed in National by on January 20, 2011 32 Comments

Who would have thought that the Founding Fathers were a bunch of Socialists! Teabaggers around the country are eating crow tonight. They just found out that our Founding Fathers, those gentlemen who teabaggers place on a pedestal and worship every night before going to sleep, mandated that private citizens purchase health insurance. In July of […]

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Tone Deaf in Hollywood

Filed in National by on January 14, 2011 6 Comments

Vicki Lawrence shows just how tone deaf “celebrities” can be. A recent parody video about Ted Williams made by comedienne Vicki Lawrence is no laughing matter to advocates for the homeless. The actress recently released a video in which, while dressed as the famous “Mama” character that she originated in the late 1960s on “The […]

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This Doesn’t Surprise Me

Filed in National by on January 9, 2011 24 Comments

The whacked out pseudo-Christian Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the funerals of the 6 people who were murdered yesterday during the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabby Giffords. Plus, Bill Colley on WGMD seems to prove our point about talk radio rhetoric.

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Just a Great Feel Good Story

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011 6 Comments

I want to see more stories like this. Ted Williams

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