A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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Newt’s Got A Kid Problem

Filed in National by on December 1, 2011 9 Comments

So Newt thinks that poor kids only know how to rob and steal. The asshat from Georgia thinks he’s a celebrity because some idiot is willing to pay $60K to hear him bloviate. And anyone who’s been around since he first took office back in the 80’s knows he has a huge ego. As Jonathan […]

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Sussex County Smackdown – Round 3

Filed in Delaware by on November 22, 2011 81 Comments

Welcome to the latest episode of the feud between Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher and the County Council. In today’s installment, Christopher has been ordered to stop all of his illegal actions.

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And This is Surprising How?

Filed in National by on November 21, 2011 10 Comments

Farleigh Dickinson University (yeah the one COD supposedly went to) has come out with a poll showing that FOX News viewer are not as informed as they think they are.

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Brain Freeze(?)!

Filed in National by on November 19, 2011 4 Comments

It seems that the older some congressmen get, especially from colder climes, the more ornery and arrogant they become. Case in point – Rep. Don Young (Teabag-AK), who’s been in Congress since 1973. During a hearing on Friday, Young went head-to-head with a witness before the House Natural Resources Committee, which Young used to chair. […]

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Trash Picking up Trash

Filed in Delaware by on November 19, 2011 98 Comments

A local Sussex County Nazi group has adopted a road near Lewes to clean up. About three months ago, Lewes resident Edward McBride applied to adopt a highway on behalf of his political party – National Socialist Freedom Movement Nazi Party. McBride’s request was denied by Delaware Department of Transportation. When asked why, DelDOT officials […]

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The Big Guy is Running Again

Filed in Delaware by on November 17, 2011 10 Comments

Former Sussex County Recorder of Deeds John Brady has announced that he is running for Clerk of the Peace next year. Affectionately known as “The Big Guy,” Brady will be seeking the office being abandoned by homophobe George “Bad Wig” Parish. Brady switched back to the Democratic Party after the 2008 election.

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Funny, He Doesn’t Look Jewish

Filed in National by on November 12, 2011

“Cain said he finally realized after much praying that G-D was saying that he needed to enter the presidential race. He compared his situation to Moses, who in the Bible initially questions whether G-D has chosen the right person to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.”

Herman, I knew Moses. Moses was a Jewish prophet of mine. Herman, your no Moses. (with apologies to Lloyd Bentsen)

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Personhood – The Wedge Issue that Could Swing 2012

Filed in National by on November 9, 2011 7 Comments
Personhood – The Wedge Issue that Could Swing 2012

A lot of people are cheering the defeat of the Mississippi Personhood amendment yesterday. Its defeat marked the 3rd time since 2008 that this type of amendment has gone down in flames (the other two were in Colorado). But as Nick Baumann writes in Mother Jones, this is a grand plan by the GOP to continue fighting the culture wars.

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Israel Leads – Who Will Follow?

Filed in International by on November 8, 2011 15 Comments

On October 30th, the Israeli cabinet voted to shift the tax burden from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet approved the taxation portion of the Trajtenberg report on Sunday, levying heavier taxes on both corporations and the extremely wealthy. Earlier this month, the cabinet approved in principle the […]

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Smackdown – Round 2

Filed in National by on November 8, 2011 13 Comments
Smackdown – Round 2

In today’s main event, we find House Majority Leader Pete Schwartzkopf knocking the white shoe polish off of St. Bodie Girl’s high heels.

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Meet & Greet Your Next Insurance Commissioner

Filed in National by on November 7, 2011 5 Comments

The Reyes Family of Lewes is hosting a meet & greet for Mitch Crane on Sunday, November 13 from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM at Mariachi Restaurant in downtown Rehoboth Beach (14 Wilmington Avenue). This is a free event, but donations will not be turned down. Come and meet Mitch, the only progressive running for IC next year, and see what he’s all about. Great food, too (Mariachi is the best place in Rehoboth Beach for Latin cuisine).

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This Is Not The Way To Discipline Your Child

Filed in National by on November 2, 2011 6 Comments

The 23-year-old daughter of a Texas family law judge says that she feels some regret about posting online video of her father violently beating her with a belt several years ago but that she hopes it forces him to get help.

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Video Discovered of Sheriff Christopher in Action

Filed in Delaware by on October 28, 2011 0 Comments

I have just found video of Sheriff Jeff Christopher in action down here in Sussex County. He makes his appearance at 12:20 in the video. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3vSxoeVCn4&feature=related[/youtube] For the pointy-headed munchkins over at DP, this is parody.

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