A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Mandating Post Labor Day School Starts is Wrong

Sen. Gerald Hocker really wants schools to start after Labor Day. I mean he really really wants this. First was the Legislative Task Force to Study Post Labor Day School Starts back in 2014. Then Hocker introduced legislation in 2015 to require all schools to start after Labor Day. It passed the Senate but went nowhere in the House. So, we fast forward to 2017 and guess what, Hocker introduces new legislation, S.B. 18, to require all schools to start after Labor Day.
Rash of Break-Ins at Bellevue State Park

One of the good things about The Facebook, beyond helping to organize protests against Trump and finding lost pets, is that periodically points out some inconsistencies going on. For instance, there’s this Facebook post about cars being broken-in at Bellevue State Park.
Coons Co-Sponsors Bill to Block Trump’s Muslim Ban

“The bill would withhold any funding to enforce the executive order and declares it illegal based on the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which banned discrimination against immigrants on the basis of national origin.”
February 1, 2017 Open Thread

UD Immigration, Arrests made in Prostitution, DuPont Country Club, Pharmacy Robbed, Delaware National Guard, Dover Mall Access to Route 1, Chicken Output, Third DUI
DuPont Sells Hotel du Pont to Buccini/Pollin

The News Journal is reporting that DuPont has sold the Hotel du Pont to Buccini/Pollin and that the DuPont Country Club is also for sale.
Is Immigration Personal?

It turns out immigration in the United States is personal. If you have consistent personal contact with immigrants regardless of their origin, chances are you are against President Marmalade’s recent executive. If you hang out in a coffee shop off of any highway in Delaware, chances are you only have limited experience with recent immigrants. And, yet, somehow, you remain blissfully ignorant.
January 31, 2017 Open Thread

Elena Delle Donne, Islamic Society of Delaware, Dover homeless, Gas prices, Long Neck subdivision
Next Steps in Legalizing Marijuana

There was a great article in Delaware State News this weekend about the slow progress Delaware is making in medical marijuana sales as well as the next steps in legalizing recreational marijuana.
Dear Delaware GOP

With all of Trump’s shenanigans between religious tests for immigrants, the reformation of the National Security Council, and building the wall, you think we would have forgotten. Sorry, Delaware Republicans, we’ve learned how to multi-task.
January 30, 2017 Open Thread

Delawareans protest as PHI, Support at Islamic Society of Delaware, School Delays Downstate, Dance benefit, Shooting in Laurel
January 29, 2017 Open Thread

Delaware medical data breach, car accident involving police, Chris Coons, Philadelphia Eagles
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