A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
The Need to Attract White Voters

Since 1976, a Democratic presidential nominee has never won the white vote. The 2016 Election continues that trend. Of course, some votes for Trump were from the termites, but many of the of those who voted for Trump are not racist at all. But most importantly we have to stop labelling all Trump supporters as the vile termites.
Our National Dilbert Problem

As many of you know Scott Adams, the artist behind Dilbert, has had a Trump problem. For such a seemingly articulate person, Adams has caused many problems with his inarticulate defenses of Donald Trump.
Trump’s 100 Day Plan Translated

As Trump’s surrogates repeatedly tell us that Trump doesn’t always say what he means, here is his 100 Day “Plan” for a legislative agenda translated.
Pence Turns on Trump

I cannot think of one vice-presidential candidate that has ever turned on their presidential candidate ever before. Can you?
Question of the Day

Will Donald Trump knock Al Smith off the Top Ten Biggest Losers in Presidential election history?
Question of the Day

Will support for or against Trump in 2016 become the litmus test for future Republican candidates, the way the Iraqi War vote was in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary?
What It Means

Some may say Drive-By Truckers are the best Southern rock’n roll band since Lynyrd Skynyrd, but that is an incredible disservice to the Truckers, since they are probably the most important American rock’n roll band over the last 15 years. They are coming out with a new album in September called American Band. Their second single is What It Means, an examination of US society today.
Did GOP Moderates Just Become Relevant?

Stephen Greenberg, a Democratic pollster and author of American Ascendant, writes, “Moderate Republicans will have the last word in this dramatic presidential election year.” Greenberg believes that moderates make up 31% of Republican party.
Donald Trump: The Misogynist Pig

We all know that Trump is a pig, and The New York Times recently endeavored to chronicle his misogyny. At best a shower will be needed after reading this; at worst, bleaching your eyes.
A Quick Lesson in Clintonese
Turns out the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server is actually an investigation and not a security inquiry as Clinton calls it.
To The Left, Hillary, To The Left

I know I’ve been saying Clinton needs to be running more to the left, but when I see headlines like this from the Washington Post, I cringe, I mother-fucking cringe.
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