A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
DE Education Secretary Gives Recommendations on Newark Charter
Secretary of Education Lillian Lowery sent a memorandum to the Delaware State Board of Education giving her “approval” and some caveats on what Newark Charter School (NCS) needs to do
Are College Athletes the New Indentured Servants?

Okay, not a new idea, but as college coaches are free to get fired and quit (buyout clauses mean nothing), most athletes on scholarship are stuck at that college unless the college releases them.
Shooting Victims Challenge US Lawmakers

Shooting victims want to show the human side of gun violence.

Karl Rove declares that Obama will take the low road in 2012. Well, he’d know something about that.
The Fallen and Lonesome Star of John Edwards

“. . . Several longtime friends privately say that they want nothing to do with him; that they felt personally betrayed by his persistent lies during the period when he desperately sought to cover up his affair.”
UK Phone Hacking Scandal Crosses The Pond

Prior to the Zimmerman arrest, politicos were abuzz with whether or not the mole at Fox News was found out or not. Turns out he was. Turns out he probably wasn’t that bright since he announce he was a mole while being a mole. It was all kind of weird. More important news regarding the […]
The Romney Rule

Biden: “The Romney Rule says the very wealthy should keep the tax cuts and loopholes they have, and get an additional, new tax cut every year that is worth more than what the average middle-class family makes in an entire year.”

The Department of Justice has filed a civil antitrust lawsuit against Apple, Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin and Simon & Schuster and settled with several other publishers.
News Journal Keeps It Classy

The News Journal recently fired a new reporter even before he started working there because he “released” a press release on his Tumblr that contained both The News Journal’s logo and quotes from the hiring letter. Khristopher Brooks called shortly before 6 p.m. ET to tell me that the News Journal fired him this afternoon […]
Santorum’s Next Step

Nate Silver guesses at what Rick Santorum’s next step will be. I’m guessing that he will NOT be running for any statewide office in Pennsylvania. Instead, he will be gearing up for 2016 which will entail traveling around the country fundraising for various conservative politicos and earning the all important favors that will be called […]
Romney’s Women Problem

The gender gap is extremely deep for presidential candidate Mitt Romney. It’s a hole so deep it might not be able to climb out of it.
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