
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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Progressive Taxation Makes Us Happier

Filed in International by on December 29, 2011 1 Comment
Progressive Taxation Makes Us Happier

Turns out taxing the rich to help make a better society is not only a good thing, but it makes us happier.

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Up-tick in Measles Cases

Filed in National by on October 25, 2011 16 Comments
Up-tick in Measles Cases

How’s not vaccinating your kids working out for ya?

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Occupy Riverdale

Filed in National by on October 25, 2011 0 Comments
Occupy Riverdale

When Occupy Wall Street invades Riverdale.

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America’s Millionaires

Filed in National by on October 25, 2011 1 Comment
America’s Millionaires

One percent of America are millionaires. And, how about Congress?

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What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Filed in National by on October 24, 2011 3 Comments
What Have You Done For Me Lately?

If you think Obama’s done nothing, think again.

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Federal Gas Tax Wanes

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 1 Comment
Federal Gas Tax Wanes

Maybe we should think about raising the federal gas tax and the state gas tax while we are at it.

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Through Palin-Crossed Eyes

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 1 Comment
Through Palin-Crossed Eyes

That’ll do Sarah, that’ll do.

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Al Gore on Obama

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 3 Comments
Al Gore on Obama

“Instead of relying on science, President Obama appears to have bowed to pressure from polluters who did not want to bear the cost of implementing new restrictions on their harmful pollution—even though economists have shown that the US economy would benefit from the job creating investments associated with implementing the new technology.”

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Survey Says . . .

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 2 Comments
Survey Says . . .

What percentage of Tea Baggers believe that discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against minority groups?

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Out with the Whigs

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 0 Comments

The Republican debate last night highlighted the chasm that is splitting the party.

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Republicans Cheer for 234 Executions

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 11 Comments
Republicans Cheer for 234 Executions

Republicans have no shame.

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Republican Turncoat

Filed in National by on September 7, 2011 6 Comments
Republican Turncoat

A GOP operative leaves the cult and spills the beans.

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Numb3rs: In Real Life

Filed in National by on September 6, 2011 10 Comments
Numb3rs: In Real Life

Taken straight out of Hollywood, a California police department is using software to predict when and where crime will occur.

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