
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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New Blog In Town

Filed in Delaware by on April 21, 2010 10 Comments

RSmitty, Dave Burris and Michael Stafford have teamed up and launched Delaware Tomorrow – a new perspective on policy and politics. Hmmm… the rebirth of moderate Republicans… or the last hurrah?  We shall see. (Psst… notice how I gave you top billing, Smitty.)

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Immigration Reform and Outing A Senator

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010 26 Comments

Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to title this post since the subject matter doesn’t exactly flow.  But it seems that the immigration debate has taken a turn… William Gheen, head of the conservative, anti-“amnesty,” anti-illegal immigration group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), spoke at a Greenville, S.C. Tea Party rally this weekend and called […]

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What’s Wrong With Arizona?

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010 16 Comments

It’s all about paper in Arizona – Immigration documentation and Birth Certificates. PHOENIX — The Arizona House on Monday voted for a provision that would require President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state’s ballot when he runs for reelection. The House voted 31-22 to add the […]

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Georgia Legislature Competes With The National Enquirer… And Wins

Filed in National by on April 20, 2010 11 Comments

Via TPM: The Georgia House Judiciary Committee took up a bill last week that would “prohibit requiring a person to be implanted with a microchip,” and would make violating the ban a misdemeanor. According to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, one exchange from the hearing could have been ripped right from Dr. Strangelove. […] […]

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42 Grows To 1,000s Of Web Cam Images In The Lower Merion School District Case

Filed in National by on April 17, 2010 9 Comments

When this story first broke (background here) the School District was adamant about the number of times they activated the web cam.  Once would have been one time too many for me, but they kept repeating the number 42. District spokesman Doug Young acknowledged yesterday that officials had remotely activated computer webcams 42 times, but […]

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Another Backwards B Moment?

Filed in National by on April 16, 2010 19 Comments

First, let me say that what happened to a fundraiser for Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) and her boyfriend at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference last weekend was horrible.  These people were brutally attacked and sustained serious injuries.  Plain wrong and inexcusable. What’s also inexcusable… Since then the story has been making the rounds of the […]

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Obama Signs Memorandum Granting Same-Sex Couples Hospital Visitation Rights

Filed in National by on April 15, 2010 18 Comments

I really don’t see how anyone can have a problem with this – yes, I know some will. President Obama on Thursday signed a memorandum requiring hospitals to allow gays and lesbians to have non-family visitors and to grant their partners medical power of attorney. The president ordered the Department of Health and Human Services […]

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Military Tea Party

Filed in National by on April 13, 2010 18 Comments

What could possibly go wrong with this? A new Tea Party group, Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots, has grown quickly since being launched last month by an active duty Marine Corps sergeant. The group, which vows to “stand up on the very soil we defended to preserve common sense conservatism and defend our Constitution that […]

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Mommie Dearest

Filed in National by on April 10, 2010 5 Comments

What sort of monster does this? Russia threatened to suspend all child adoptions by U.S. families Friday after a 7-year-old boy adopted by a woman from Tennessee was sent alone on a one-way flight back to Moscow with a note saying he was violent and had severe psychological problems. Attaching the note was priceless.  I […]

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H1N1 VS Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina

Filed in National by on April 6, 2010 9 Comments

Via Bloomberg: Swine flu is refusing to give up its hold on U.S. states with low vaccination rates, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Only Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina — states where the share of immunized population was among the country’s lowest — reported outbreaks last week that spread beyond a single […]

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Erick Erickson, A Shotgun, And Census Workers

Filed in National by on April 3, 2010 26 Comments

Via Think Progress: ERICKSON: This is crazy. What gives the Commerce Department the right to ask me how often I flush my toilet? Or about going to work? I’m not filling out this form. I dare them to try and come throw me in jail. I dare them to. Pull out my wife’s shotgun and […]

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I Hate Using The Word Hate, But I Hate This Man

Filed in National by on April 1, 2010 21 Comments

Catholic League President William Donohue: As I said in the ad, which I wrote, most gay priests are not molesters, but most of the molesters have been gay. And I also said, that there’s no such thing as a — that homosexuality does not cause predatory behavior. Let me give you a quick example. I’m […]

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Filed in Delaware, National by on April 1, 2010 9 Comments

Yes, we have ordered the iPad.  Actually, my almost 16 year old son has ordered – using his money from his summer job.  I can’t wait to get my hands on this!  Luckily, I taught my children how to share. Based on the reviews,  I’m considering buying another one for my parents. USA Today’s Edward […]

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