
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Just For Fun

Filed in National by on January 5, 2010 10 Comments

In Brit Hume’s latest attempt to justify his proselytizing, replace the word Christian with Muslim and Jesus Christ with Allah. And my sense of that Tiger is that he needs something that Christianity, especially provides and gives and offers and that is redemption and forgiveness and I was really meaning to say in those comments […]

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FOX News Has Reached Televangelist Status

Filed in National by on January 3, 2010 52 Comments

Not that anyone with a brain didn’t see this coming. Via Balloon Juice: Brit Hume had some advice for Tiger Woods during this week’s “Fox News Sunday.” Woods will recover as a golfer, Hume says, but it remains to be seen whether he will recover as a person. “He’s said to be a Buddhist,” Hume […]

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Substitute Teachers Can’t Substitute For The Real Thing

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 3, 2010 21 Comments

The New York Times has an interesting Op-Ed concerning substitute teachers, which, I admit, is something I had never really thought about before.  And I probably should have since it seems at least one of my two children have a substitute teacher almost every week.   In fact, the words I hear most from my kids, […]

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Rachel Maddow Calls Out “Chatty Cathy” Cheney And The Parroting Press

Filed in National by on December 31, 2009 3 Comments

If you haven’t watched the video below, please do so.  Rachel Maddow, calmly and professionally, dismantles every bit of garbage spewing out of our former Vice President’s mouth.  And, isn’t it ironic that a man who spent the majority of the last eight years in an undisclosed location is now seeking the spotlight with a […]

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Hypocrisy Alert!

Filed in National by on December 29, 2009 33 Comments

How did I miss this? Mr. Traditional Marriage, Karl Rove, gets divorced.  And… it isn’t his first one.  Oh, sweet hypocrisy!  So much for those traditional little clauses, such as:  “till death do us part” and “that which God has brought together, let no man put asunder.”

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Let Me Be The First To Say… This Will Fail

Filed in National by on December 29, 2009 3 Comments

Tucker Carlson is planning to start a blog to rival Huffington Post.  And, right away, he tells us what to expect. He said that he wants to emphasize original reporting. “We don’t simply want to be parasites of other news sites,” he said. “We want to be creators of news,” though he added, “We’re not […]

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The Next Battle – Cap and Trade

Filed in National by on December 29, 2009 2 Comments

This isn’t looking good. Via Matt Yglesias: Lisa Lerer’s Politico piece on how moderate Senate Democrats don’t want to do a cap-and-trade bill is extremely frustrating. Neither Mary Landrieu nor Ben Nelson nor Evan Bayh nor Kent Conrad nor Mark Pryor seems to want to say that they don’t think climate change is real. Nor […]

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Calculating Subsidies In Health Care

Filed in National by on December 27, 2009 5 Comments

To see if you’d receive subsidies from HCR, check out this interesting little calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation. This tool illustrates premiums and government assistance under the types of reform proposals being considered in Congress for people under age 65 who purchase coverage on their own in an Exchange and are not covered through […]

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Looking For Some Good News?

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 11 Comments

As a person who’s been held hostage and treated like cargo by the airlines, I’m thrilled with this new law. Via Think Progress: Responding to horror stories of stranded travelers, the Obama administration ordered airlines today to allow passengers to disembark from planes that have been stuck on the tarmac for more than three hours. […]

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FYI: The Gift Kids Really Wanted

Filed in Delaware by on December 21, 2009 11 Comments

Brandywine, Christina, Red Clay and Appoquinimink School Districts have canceled classes for the rest of the week. Winter break begins NOW! According to my kids:  BEST.  GIFT.  EVER. UPDATE: As of now, Christina School District is closed today (12/22) but is scheduled to be open tomorrow.

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The New “Super Majority” Problem

Filed in National by on December 21, 2009 31 Comments

Despite all our differences on Health Care, the real problem is the new 60 vote or nothing framework.  This new Super Majority or nothing dilemma must be addressed if we ever want to govern.  Needing 60 votes to do anything is impossible mainly because it results in only two outcomes: 1. It stops legislation. 2. […]

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FYI: Schools Closed On Monday

Filed in Delaware by on December 20, 2009 5 Comments

Brandywine, Red Clay, Christina and Appoquinimink Schools are closed on Monday.  Gotta love snow days! Please add any additional closings below.

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Filed in National by on December 20, 2009 31 Comments

If you believe that Congress cannot, and will not, improve the Health Care Bill if passed, then why would you believe killing the bill and starting over is possible with this Congress?

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