
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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No Wonder Rick Perry Wanted To Secede

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009 6 Comments

Uh oh.  Better hope he didn’t kill an innocent man. Since the fire, arson science has been revised, and indicators that investigators used at the time to find that Willingham set the fire have since been discredited. In the past five years, at least six arson experts have examined evidence in the Willingham case and […]

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I’m Bored. Thank Goodness For The Village Idiot

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009 11 Comments

Is there a bigger idiot than Michael Steele? HOST: Very quickly, Chairman Steele. The feeling in some circles is that this health care train has left the station with President at the wheel, and Republicans better jump on board. STEELE: Well, I’m the cow on the tracks, and you’re going to have to stop that […]

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Breaking: Snowe To Vote Baucus Bill Out Of Committee

Filed in National by on October 13, 2009 14 Comments

Via TPM: 1:57 p.m.: Snowe’s announcement that she’ll vote for the bill today spread a ripple of excited whispers across the silent hearing room. It’s getting interesting.  Although I’m sure Snowe doesn’t count as a real Republican.

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Independent Is The New Republican, Or… Where Have All The Republicans Gone

Filed in National by on October 13, 2009 20 Comments

Over the last several weeks I have listened to an inordinate amount of Talk Radio (kitchen remodeling) and one theme kept jumping out at me.  Practically no one is calling themselves a Republican.  In fact, they’re going out of their way to make sure they’re not associated with the word, and it’s interesting how they […]

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A Difficult And Sad Day

Filed in Delaware by on October 9, 2009 19 Comments

As a parent I spend a large part of each and every day protecting my children.  It’s instinctive, and obviously predictable since my kids have taken to cutting off my warnings with “Don’t worry, Mom.  We’ll be careful.”  But I do worry.  I’m wired to worry.  My 15 year old son is going to Italy […]

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Opt-Out Public Option

Filed in National by on October 8, 2009 45 Comments

When I first heard of the plan to allow states (Red States) to opt-out of the Public Option my initial response was let them.  Kinda the same reaction I had to the threats of Texas seceding.  It is past time to call these obstructionists on their empty rhetoric.  Let them Go Galt.  A diary on […]

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Would You Be Insurable If…

Filed in National by on October 5, 2009 7 Comments

…You lost your job? Most people who recieve health insurance through their employer have never considered this possibility.  Perhaps it’s time they did.

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I’m Okay With Taxing Garbage

Filed in National by on September 25, 2009 24 Comments

Unlike the totally sterotype Mom in the commercial below, I’m perfectly okay with taxing sodas and juice drinks.  Mainly because they’re total crap, and one of the main reasons our country’s children are overweight.   They are also dirt cheap. [youtube][/youtube] Whenever I watch this ad and see the Mom handing her son that humungous […]

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Drinking Liberally Tonight!

Filed in National by on September 24, 2009 15 Comments

Sorry I’m so late in posting this – I had trouble getting my act together.  Anyhoo… hope everyone can join us! Where:  CW Harborside (River front) Time:  7:00 p.m. Come join us on the gorgeous outdoor patio (if the weather doesn’t cooperate, meet us inside at the bar).  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

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Why Republicans Should NEVER Be Taken Seriously

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009 20 Comments

Because it’s all a big joke.  Imagine pulling a stunt like this in the private sector. 497Hatch F7 Add transition relief for the excise tax on high cost insurance plans for any State with a name the begins with the letter “U” Glad he finds health care funny.  Republicans don’t deserve a seat at any […]

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What Those Against The Public Option Are Really Fighting For

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009 1 Comment

h/t June – Thanks! WATCH IT! (Okay, click on the link because I can’t embed the video.  Sheesh, technology drives me crazy some times!) Update: video embedded – UI Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell

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The Brain Drain

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009 19 Comments

There’s a disturbing dynamic taking place – Highly educated, skilled immigrants are leaving the U.S. Why should we care? Because immigrants are critical to the country’s long-term economic health. Despite the fact that they constitute only 12% of the U.S. population, immigrants have started 52% of Silicon Valley’s technology companies and contributed to more than […]

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Health Insurance’s War Against Women

Filed in National by on September 17, 2009 27 Comments

And children.  I’m really looking forward to hearing social conservatives defend this… “The point of insurance is to insure against catastrophic care costs. That’s what you’re trying to aggregate and pool for such things as heart attacks and cancer,” said an Anthem Blue Cross spokesman. “Having a child is a matter of choice. Dealing with […]

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