
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Words Fail

Filed in National by on September 6, 2009 3 Comments
Words Fail

At first I thought this was a joke, but it seems not. Book Description from Amazon: It happens to all of us: You’re minding your own business, when some idiot informs you that guns are evil, the Prius will save the planet, or the rich have to finally start paying their fair share of taxes. […]

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Obama Will Speak To Students On September 8th (Psst… I added a Visual)

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 4, 2009 67 Comments
Obama Will Speak To Students On September 8th (Psst… I added a Visual)

At 12:00 p.m., Eastern Time (ET), September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama will deliver a national address to the students of America. (Please note that this is a change from the originally scheduled time.) During this special address, the president will speak directly to the nation’s children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. […]

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There’s More To Civility Than Not Using Bad Words

Filed in National by on August 31, 2009 17 Comments
There’s More To Civility Than Not Using Bad Words

I was going to ignore David Anderson’s post yesterday on “Culture,” but then he went and posted this nonsense – charmingly titled “Not everyone wants to be a slut.”  Seems that in David’s world there are only two types of women:  good girls and sluts.  Which shouldn’t be surprising given his sanctimonious rantings on the […]

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I’m Considering Signing The Petition

Filed in National by on August 29, 2009 9 Comments
I’m Considering Signing The Petition

Yes, I know it’s silly, and no, I won’t sign the petition for Texas secession – which, btw, has over 1 million signatures.  What I’d like to do is call them on their bluff.  My guess is that within a year of secession Texas would resemble the set from Escape From New York… or be […]

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Pandora’s Music For The Masses

Filed in Delaware by on August 29, 2009 3 Comments

Since I’m filling in for ‘Bulo I decided to give you insight into my eclectic taste in music.  Warning:  There is nothing cohesive about this grouping! Gotta start with Elvis [youtube][/youtube] And slide into Gabriel [youtube][/youtube] Now, let’s jump into the future with Green Day.  (Tried to post The Killers, but YouTube wouldn’t let me) […]

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Do I Really Have To Worry About EMP?

Filed in National by on August 28, 2009 63 Comments
Do I Really Have To Worry About EMP?

An electromagentic pulse, or EMP, is a split-second burst of energy that occurs when a nuclear device is detonated high in the atmosphere. A Department of Homeland Security disaster guide for the public explains an EMP “acts like a stroke of lightning but is stronger, faster and shorter.” Pretty serious stuff, and I’m not denying […]

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Funny And Clever And… Correct

Filed in National by on August 27, 2009 3 Comments
Funny And Clever And… Correct

h/t Jack and Jill Politics

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When You’re Fishing In A Shallow Pool…

Filed in National by on August 27, 2009 5 Comments

…Survey questions like this make sense. “It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person’s political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibility concern you?” This inanity comes from the latest GOP fundraising […]

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Gentlemen, Cross Your Legs

Filed in National by on August 26, 2009 14 Comments

“If we need to save our penises from anybody, it’s Obama.” —Rush Limbaugh Birthers and Deathers, make room for the Penis Protectors.  Can’t make this stuff up.  Although… this new erected outrage should provide endless entertainment. (h/t Bob Cesca)

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Hurricane Charlie (Or How To Win Votes In The New Republican Party)

Filed in National by on August 22, 2009 13 Comments

No, that’s not the name of the storm after Bill – It’s Charlie Crist’s new approach to the Religious Right. Town Hall reports that Crist was speaking to a group of real estate agents, and credited prayer notes in the Western Wall in Jerusalem with preventing his state from being hit by hurricanes during his […]

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Wonder How We Can Become More Stupid?

Filed in National by on August 21, 2009 50 Comments

Well… we could put Texas Republicans in charge of textbooks. The first draft for proposed standards in United States History Studies Since Reconstruction says students should be expected “to identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals, such as Newt Gingrich, Phyllis Schlafly and the Moral Majority.” […] Others have proposed adding talk show host Rush […]

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Next They’ll Be Threatening To Hold Their Breath

Filed in National by on August 21, 2009 35 Comments

Watching Republicans is like watching a bratty kid’s temper tantrum. Here’s another fun detail from last night’s Americans For Prosperity teletown hall, which featured Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Both politicians said that if a health care bill passes, it should be actively fought and resisted through a collective effort of […]

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Playing Politics With Our Nation’s Security

Filed in National by on August 20, 2009 7 Comments

Of course, we already knew this.  Gosh, it’s getting really hard being right all the time. Among the headlines promoted by publisher Thomas Dunne Books: Ridge was never invited to sit in on National Security Council meetings; was “blindsided” by the FBI in morning Oval Office meetings because the agency withheld critical information from him; […]

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