Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 9 Comments
Friday Open Thread

Time for your open thread again. Type away and have fun! We’ve had an invasion of scientific “experts” lately, so I thought you might enjoy this. Wikileaks has the doctoral thesis of one Kent Hovind, in Christian Education from Patriot University. Kent Hovind is currently in prison for tax evasion (he forgot the part about […]

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Fox News Is Off The Deep End

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 1 Comment

I was doing my normal evening blog surfing and I came across this article at TPM: Fox Poll: Does Obama Want To Cut Taxes, Or Is He Corrupt Instead? To be specific, here’s what the poll asked: “What do you think President Obama would like to do with the extra bank bailout money — save […]

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Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 10, 2009 23 Comments

I’m in meeting hell today, so you’ll have to entertain yourselves. Have fun! Progressive hero Alan Grayson tells Cheney to STFU: Some early reviews of Justice Sotomayor are coming in and Clarence Thomas is not pleased. I tend to think this is a sign she’s doing something right. The decision was unanimous, but Justice Clarence […]

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Obama’s Nobel Acceptance Speech

Filed in International, National by on December 10, 2009 13 Comments

Below is a full transcript of President Obama’s acceptance speech. It’s a good one. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, citizens of America, and citizens of the world: I receive this honor with deep gratitude and great humility. It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations — […]

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Al Gore On Sarah Palin And Climate Change

Filed in International by on December 10, 2009 21 Comments

Al Gore has it exactly right. If Republicans can use Sarah Palin as a source, then Al Gore, who has actually studied this issue, deserves a hearing too: Exactly, Al. Sarah Palin, please explain how a hacked email is going to un-melt the glaciers and sea ice, will undo sea level rise and will un-acidify […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 9, 2009 8 Comments

Here’s an open thread for a rainy Wednesday. Here’s another bizzare GOP sex scandal story: “Green Balloons”. The former speaker of the Missouri House has been charged with a felony after what looks like a bout of sado-masochistic sex that went way too far. Details are still unconfirmed, we should note. But a woman appears […]

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Karl Rove To Appear On Rick Jensen’s Show Today

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 9, 2009 1 Comment

Bush’s brain Karl Rove is going to be on famous climate scientist Rick Jensen’s WDEL show today at 1:00 p.m. WDEL is soliciting questions through twitter. Send your questions to @jensen1150wdel. Or you can put your questions here and one of us will try to send them.

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Watch Rachel Maddow Eviscerate A Guy Who Claims To Cure Gays

Filed in National by on December 9, 2009 2 Comments

Richard Cohen, head of the International Healing Foundation, an organization that claims to “cure” gay people was interviewed by Rachel Maddow. Richard Cohen’s book Coming Out Straight has been cited by the Ugandan politicians as a reason for the harsh “kill the gays” bill currently in the Ugandan parliament. Cohen’s 2001 book Coming Out Straight […]

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Run Sarah Run!

Filed in National by on December 8, 2009 27 Comments

The Fix has an interesting item about Sarah Palin. She’s open to the possibility of running as a 3rd party candidate. An astute Fixista flagged a fascinating interview that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gave to conservative talk radio host Lars Larson last Friday in which she appears to leave the door open to a […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 8, 2009 6 Comments

It’s Tuesday and it’s already started out badly considering I had a 1.5 hour commute because of a huge I-95 traffic jam. Let’s open thread. This is interesting – was ACORN framed? Harshbarger also notes that the videos were sometimes less than perfect representations of the events they depict. He writes: The videos that have […]

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Tedd Petruna, The New Chuck Norris

Filed in National by on December 8, 2009 4 Comments

The tall tale of Tedd Petruna first emerged this weekend. Tedd Petruna sent an email that soon went viral about his brave actions thwarting a terrorist attack dry run on an airplane. In an email account of his experience that went national on right-wing blogs last week, Tedd Petruna describes a group of 11 Muslim […]

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Newest Public Option Compromise: Medicare Buy-In

Filed in National by on December 8, 2009 37 Comments

This week is when the most intense negotiations are going on in the Senate. The most contentious part is the fate of the Public Option, with the Senate A%#hole Caucus (Lieberman, B. Nelson, Lincoln and Landrieu) threatening to torpedo the bill if it contains it and several progressives (Sanders, Burris) threatening to vote against a […]

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PPP: Carney Win Almost Guaranteed

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 7, 2009 27 Comments

While PPP polled the Delaware U.S. Senate race, they also polled the open U.S. House seat. Carney holds a commanding lead, and has somewhat low name recognition: Former Lieutenant Governor John Carney leads announced Republican candidate Fred Cullis by an overwhelming 47-24 margin and holds a solid 44-32 lead against better known potential Republican candidate […]

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