Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009

Time for your open thread again. Type away and have fun!

We’ve had an invasion of scientific “experts” lately, so I thought you might enjoy this. Wikileaks has the doctoral thesis of one Kent Hovind, in Christian Education from Patriot University. Kent Hovind is currently in prison for tax evasion (he forgot the part about rendering to Caesar) and he opened a creationist theme park in Florida.
Patriot University

This is how it begins, seriously:

Hello, my name is Kent Hovind. I am a creation/science evangelist. I live in Pensacola, Florida. I have been a high school science teacher since 1976. I’ve been very active in the creation/evolution controversy for quite some time.

I can confirm that I’ve never seen a doctoral thesis begin with “Hello” or contain your own name (unless you were referencing your own published paper).

On 9 December 2009, the dissertation appeared on Wikileaks[12] and became generally available on the Internet. An analysis of the leaked .pdf reveals that it lacks a title, any secondary references, a discussion of the relevant scholarship, typed page numbers, or a dissertation committee (most doctoral-granting institutions require multiple committee members to approve a dissertation, while Hovind’s degree was approved by a single man).

Wow. I’m such a sucker for having all those things in my doctoral thesis.

File this one under what took you so long?

Jenny Sanford filing for divorce.

“As so many of us know, the dissolution of any marriage is a sad and painful process. It is also a very personal and private one. Because Mark and I are public figures, we have naturally had less privacy with which to deal with our difficulties than do other couples. Indeed, I know it will soon become known so I choose to release this brief notice that I am now filing for divorce. This came after many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation, yet I am still dedicated to keeping the process that lies ahead peaceful for our family.

I remain thankful to so many across this state and nation for their words of encouragement and prayers during this difficult time. Please know the boys and I are doing well and are blessed with the incredible support of friends and family and bolstered by our faith and the unfailing love of our God above.”


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (9)

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  1. The GOP will protect us from courtroom sketch artists. The lack of cameras in the courtroom will not stop the GOP from fearmongering terrorism trials, no siree:

    The justice system laid out in the Constitution, they said, is just too weak to protect American citizens from wiley terror suspects. From “activist judges” to courtroom sketch artists, the group reeled off a list of reasons the Obama administration decision to bring Guantanamo Bay detainees to the U.S. for trial could quite possibly end in, as Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) suggested, a nuclear attack on the United States.

  2. anonone says:

    Have you noticed that since Steve Newton left, “Delaware Libertarian” has turned into “Delaware Repubertarian”? It is now a blog that fellow Repubertarian Eric “ding dong” Dondaro would be proud of.

    First Burris leaves to the tea partiers and now Newton leaves DL to the angry Repubertarians.

  3. anon says:

    #1: There is a very short list of Conservadems who are thwarting the Progressive agenda, not to mention the mainstream Democratic agenda. Is it OK for progressives to support their Republican opponents?

    #2: When Republicans took Congress in 1994 they leveraged their power and held onto it for a decade by an endless stream of wedge issues. Flag burning, Pledge Of Allegiance, gay marriage – an endless stream of crap introduced usually with no chance of passing, but providing bountiful opportunities for fundraising and stirring resentment in the base. Why the hell can’t Dems do the same thing?

    For example: Why not introduce a small middle-class tax cut each year, ram it through without giving Repubs the opportunity to add tax-cuts-for-the-rich amendments, and force the GOP to decide whether to vote for it as is or not? Meanwhile Dems could run for Congress on a record of multiple tax cuts.

    Or why not introduce a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right of privacy?

    Every month there should be another bill that forces Repubs to choose between their tiny wealthy/teabagger base, and the rest of us.


  4. MJ says:

    Happy Chanukah, everyone. Here’s a gift to everyone at DL.

  5. Scott P says:

    The problem, anon, is that if the Dems did do a #2 (can’t believe I just wrote that), few people would likely know about it. Contrary to what conservatives would have us believe, the media does not do the bidding of the Left. For instance, how many people do you think know the Anthony Weiner tried to introduce and amendment in July to eliminate Medicare on the grounds that it was “socialized medicine” and a “single payer system”? Obviously, not one representative voted for it. It showed the GOP’s hypocracy in fearmongering about the end of the world if those things came about. Dems are just really bad at making cheap political show points, and the media doesn’t report it even when they try. Maybe someone like Grayson can help change that.

  6. Rebecca says:

    Attention Foodies and folks who have Foodies on your holiday list,

    There’s a warehouse sale tomorrow at 802 Centerpoint Blvd. in New Castle for the Emile Henry line of French cooking equipment. That includes Emile Henry, Mauviel 1830 (copperware), Picarde Duralex (glassware), Rosle (stainless steel), Cuisipro (tools, whisks, etc), and Arcuisine. Some of the proceeds go to several good causes. The announcement says up to 80% off retail. Parking lot opens at 7:00AM, doors open at 8:00AM and they close at 5:00. The sale continues on Sunday, same hours.

    Visa, Mastercard & Cash only.


  7. anon says:

    The problem, anon, is that if the Dems did do a #2 (can’t believe I just wrote that), few people would likely know about it.

    That is what paid campaign ads, and bloggers, are for. And viral YouTube.

    Weiner’s amendment never got out of committee.

  8. Scott P says:

    And there is the problem — liberals have blogs and YouTube to get our message out, conservatives have a major cable channel.

  9. Hovind is totally goats on fire. h/t nemski