Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Another Deadline Whizzes By

Filed in Delaware by on September 7, 2009 48 Comments

So, does everyone remember back in June when Mike Castle said he would make a decision on his future by August 30? So far, no announcements yet. I think the longer Mike Castle doesn’t make a decision the more likely Castle will be the Senate candidate by default. OK, tea leaf readers, what are your […]

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Brandywine School District Will Show The President’s Speech

Filed in National by on September 6, 2009 23 Comments

Breaking now on the intertubes, Brandywine School District says it will show the president’s speech. Interim Superintendent Dr. Dane Brandenberger said there was a mixed message sent about Brandywine not airing the speech that was incorrect. Last week, parents said they’d heard that the speech would not be shown in the Brandywine School District. “Somehow […]

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Origins Of The Latest Rightwing Freakout

Filed in National by on September 6, 2009 27 Comments

I find the crazification of the Republican Party both depressing and sad. The latest rightwing freakout about President Obama speaking to schools started with Jim Greer, the chair of the Florida Republican Party: Apparently in the midst of some kind of breakdown, Florida’s Jim Greer is throwing a tantrum over this. The chairman of the […]

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Even Later Night Video: The Gonzales Cantata

Filed in Delaware by on September 5, 2009 0 Comments

If you’re looking for something to do tomorrow, you could go to Philadelphia’s Fringe Festival. One of the more interesting offerings is called The Alberto Gonzales Cantata. There’s one more show – tomorrow at 2 p.m. The cantata is completely based on Gonzales’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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Deep Thought Of The Day

Filed in Delaware by on September 5, 2009 10 Comments

Keith Olbermann is just as crazy as Glenn Beck because thinking that Bush was a terrible president is just as nuts as thinking that Rockefeller Center is sending secret messages that only you can interpret.

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Al Franken, Wingnut Slayer

Filed in National by on September 5, 2009 14 Comments

Senator Al Franken talks down some teabaggers in Minnesota. Republicans really underestimate the effectiveness of Sen. Franken. I think he’s going to be a great senator if this video is any evidence of his effectiveness.

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Filed in Delaware by on September 4, 2009 10 Comments

Yesterday a message started going viral on facebook and twitter. This was the message: No one should die because they cannot afford healthcare. No one should go broke because they get sick, and no one should be tied to a job because of pre-existing condition. If you agree, please post this as your status for […]

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Double Standards

Filed in National by on September 4, 2009 7 Comments

New Jersery Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie is in trouble again: The latest example: In 2002 he struck a motorcyclist while driving in the wrong direction on a one way street. Christie got off without even a ticket after mentioning his job title. Did Christie’s status figure in to the cushy resolution? The local police […]

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Science Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 4, 2009 12 Comments
Science Open Thread

I’d thought I’d highlight some of the interesting science stories I’ve seen lately. Music for the Monkeys This is a really interesting story about music and its ability to effect emotions. It’s a great example of the scientific method. [David] Teie has been developing a theory to explain why music plays on human emotions. His […]

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Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 3, 2009 15 Comments

Tell us what’s on your mind. We promise we won’t tell anyone else. Pitcher and wingnut Curt Schilling is contemplating running for the open Massachusetts senate seat, although he may not be eligible to run as a Republican. Will Texas admit that it executed an innocent man? This is a truly heart-breaking story. Not just […]

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How About That Liberal Media?

Filed in National by on September 3, 2009 24 Comments

Supposedly liberal network MSNBC pays Pat Buchanan as a political analyst. Pat Buchanan who believes this stuff: According to Buchanan, Hitler’s invasion of Poland — which led to Britain’s declaration of war on Germany, and the start of World War II — was motivated merely by Germany’s desire to regain the city of Danzig, which […]

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Health Care Action: Contact The White House

Filed in National by on September 3, 2009 27 Comments

Yesterday the White House announced that President Obama would address a joint session of Congress on September 9. In the address, President Obama will outline the specifics of what he expects for a health care reform bill. This is a very important address – it will determine the parameters of the final bill in Congress. […]

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President Obama To Address A Joint Session Of Congress

Filed in National by on September 2, 2009 7 Comments

It’s about friggin’ time! President Obama will address a joint session of Congress on September 9. The topic of the address will be health care reform. After plans for the session had been reported, Reid and Pelosi released a letter of invitation to the president: “Our nation is closer than ever to achieving health insurance […]

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