Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Conservative vs. Conservative

Filed in National by on August 10, 2009 32 Comments

Sarah Palin weighed in on health care reform last week by accusing the Obama administration of wanting to kill her parents and her baby. So, what do other conservatives have to say about Palin’s thoughtful addition to the health care debate? Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean went at it on health care this morning on […]

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Late Night Oddity: Invasion

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 4 Comments

I’m not sure how many of you read PZ Myers on Pharyngula, but PZ and a band of atheists just completed a field trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Here’s a taste: No, the part that I found most amusing is the date. This is a Jurassic ceratosaur, so it says that this is […]

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Robinson Is The Democratic Candidate For RD-37

Filed in Delaware by on August 8, 2009 13 Comments

According to the News Journal, the Democratic party has selected Rob Robinson, Jr. as the candidate for the seat being vacated by Joe Booth. Georgetown public defender Rob Robinson Jr. has been tapped as the Democratic candidate for the 37th House District seat vacated by state Sen. Joe Booth. Advertisement Robinson, a first-time candidate, was […]

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Bob Herbert’s Column Today Is A Must Read

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 4 Comments

We haven’t talked on Delaware Liberal about George Sodini, the right-wing misogynist who killed three women at a fitness club in Pittsburgh. He wrote some very disturbing things on his blog about race and women. Sodini was obsessed with women and sex and how he wasn’t getting his fair share (according to him). Hint: it […]

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Sarah Palin – She’s Back With 200% More Lies

Filed in National by on August 8, 2009 41 Comments

After a couple weeks of silence, Sarah Palin is back. She put a posting on her Facebook page about health care reform, and it’s a doozy. In a new posting on her Facebook account, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) made a dire statement about health care reform — that it could result in an Obama-created […]

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I’ve Been Thinking About This All Wrong

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 26 Comments

I’ve realized that I’ve been thinking about this health care reform thing all wrong, and I have the wingnuts to thank for it. I’ve been worried about Republican office holders and wingnut radio hosts stirring up anger and paranoia in their unhinged masses and that people might get hurt as a result. I’m wrong though […]

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Florida Senator Mel Martinez To Resign

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 0 Comments

h/t to MJ for sending the tip. Intriguing news today: Florida Sen. Mel Martinez (R), who had previously announced he would not seek re-election in 2010, has now decided to resign his seat — a move that will allow Gov. Charlie Crist (R) to appoint a replacement to fill the remaining months of Martinez’s term, […]

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Today’s Economic News Better Than Expected

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 11 Comments

I never thought I’d see the day when 9.4% unemployment (U3) was considered good news. Employers throttled back on layoffs in July, cutting just 247,000 jobs, the fewest in a year, and the unemployment rate dipped to 9.4 percent, its first decline in 15 months. It was a better-than-expected showing that offered a strong signal […]

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Rachel Maddow Takes A Look At The Money Behind The Townhall Rabble Rousers

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 2 Comments

Rachel breaks down the money and the power behind the townhall rabble rousers. It’s a who’s who of the VRWC, including Bush administration employees, leaders in the Republican party, the Swift Boat Liars and rightwing moneybags.

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Late Night Video

Filed in Delaware by on August 6, 2009 0 Comments

Delaware Liberal favorite Andy Cobb has a new satirical video “Two Dudes And A Webcam.” It’s a send-up of the awful (and now cancelled) “Mouthpiece Theater” featuring Chris Cillizza and Dana Milbank. These are the comedy geniuses who had the great idea of suggesting Hillary drink “Mad Bitch” beer. BTW, Andy got some love from […]

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Sotomayor Confirmation Vote Today

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 10 Comments

The confirmation vote to make Sonia Sotomayor the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court is expected today. The confirmation is all but inevitable, the only remaining question is what the final vote total will be. Thirty Republicans have announced they are voting no, including Orrin Hatch who has never voted no on a SCOTUS […]

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Has Violence Already Started?

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 176 Comments

As has been documented before, the Republican party and astroturf lobbying groups have been encouraging people to disrupt townhall meetings of Democratic members of Congress. These tea party activists are part of the paranoid, far right wing base of the party and have been using some questionable tactics. Tactics like shouting down all questions, loudly […]

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Arlen Specter Thinks He Will Win The Democratic Primary

Filed in Delaware by on August 5, 2009 13 Comments

Arlen Specter defends his vote for McCain/Palin. I’d like to hear him defend quitter Palin. Specter is facing a real Democrat in the primary, Joe Sestak.

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