Unstable Isotope

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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Coup In Honduras

Filed in International by on June 28, 2009 37 Comments

It appears there has been a coup in Honduras and a new president has been sworn in. The details are still a bit sketchy, but the old president was exiled by the military to Costa Rica this morning. The news reports say that the president resigned, but (former?) President Manuel Zelaya denies this. There were […]

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Pawlenty Will Sign Franken’s Election Certificate

Filed in National by on June 28, 2009 6 Comments

A real, open question in the never-ending Minnesota Senate battle is whether probable 2012 presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty would sign Franken’s election certificate or hold out for another possible battle in the U.S. Supreme Court. Pawlenty indicated today on CNN that he would sign the certificate once the Minnesota Supreme Court rules. Pawlenty told CNN […]

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Fixing The Health Care Bill

Filed in National by on June 28, 2009 13 Comments

Ezra Klein has an idea… Health reform, remember, is a long game. The Senate Finance Committee will not write the health reform bill. They will just write their version of it. Then it will merge with the HELP Committee’s version. Then it will be amended on the floor of the Senate. Then it will be […]

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Obama’s Debut Speech

Filed in National by on June 27, 2009 6 Comments

It’s hard to remember a time when we weren’t talking about Barack Obama. But it was only 5 short years ago that a not-yet Senator Barack Obama burst onto the scene with an amazing speech at the Democratic National Convention. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWynt87PaJ0[/youtube]

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SB 121 Signing Today

Filed in Delaware by on June 27, 2009 20 Comments

2nd Update: SB 121 will be signed into law by Jack Markell on Thursday, July 2 at 3:00 PM at Camp Rehoboth. Thanks MJ. Update: The signing is postponed due to Thurman Adams’s funeral. We will update when we know the new date and time. Today at 2 PM, Governor Markell will sign SB 121 […]

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Late Night Video: Don’t Eat The Marshmallow

Filed in National by on June 26, 2009 1 Comment

Joachim de Posada (in this short video) discusses the study of delayed gratification on children. Another video from the TED series.

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Delusions of Grandeur

Filed in National by on June 26, 2009 13 Comments

Mark Sanford explains his refusal to resign as governor of South Carolina in Biblical terms. King David didn’t resign after the Bathsheba affair did he? In case you thought it was some kind of accident, Sanford restated his analogy in a press release. Late Update: In a statement issued after the meeting, Sanford doubled down […]

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Can You Spot The Error?

Filed in National by on June 26, 2009 18 Comments

Someone will put the answer in comments. See if you can answer the question before clicking the comments. Here’s a new fundraising pitch by South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, conservative defender of the Constitution: I believe the only way to take back our freedom is to return to the constitutional principles our founding fathers promised […]

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Psssttt…Jay…We’ve Been Telling You This For Months

Filed in National by on June 26, 2009 11 Comments

Jay Rockefeller is “getting it.” On Thursday, Rockefeller admitted he expects little bipartisan support. “There is a very small chance any Republicans will vote for this health-care plan. They were against Medicare and Medicaid [created in the 1960s]. They voted against children’s health insurance. “We have a moral choice. This is a classic case of […]

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Drinking Liberally Tonight

Filed in National by on June 25, 2009 11 Comments

I’m posting because liberalgeek hasn’t put anything up. Tonight, Deer Park Tavern in Newark, 7 PM. Be there or be Amish.

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Should Sanford Resign?

Filed in National by on June 25, 2009 41 Comments

Soon we’re going to start hearing calls for Sanford to resign, if they haven’t started already. I just want to give one liberal’s perspective on public/private behavior of elected officials. Sanford: I think he should resign. Lest I be accused of being a hypocrite about the Clinton impeachment (I thought it was bogus), let me […]

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Get The Champagne Ready

Filed in Delaware by on June 24, 2009 15 Comments
Get The Champagne Ready

Sources tell us that SB 121 (AKA HB 5) has passed the Senate after a 4 hour debate. All the amendments have been defeated. The bill now goes to the House for debate. Watch here for details! Update 8:52 PM: Delaware Politics reports that the bill has passed the House as well. Update 9:34 PM: […]

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Democratic Party Rules Committee Meeting Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on June 24, 2009 5 Comments

We got a tip from Rebecca Young that the New Castle County Democratic party rules committee is meeting tonight (7 PM at party HQ). I believe the meeting is open to all registered Democrats, at least as an observer. Here’s your chance to have an affect on how the party operates. Put any suggestions for […]

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