Unstable Isotope
Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.
Unstable Isotope's Latest Posts
Tom Kovach Wants To Dip County Government In Tea

GOP nominee for NCCo Council President Tom Kovach is
courting the Tea Party vote for the special election.
It’s Hard Work Being Scalia
Antonin Scalia not only redefines words, he redefines history in his 14th Amendment revisionism.
Koch Industries Supports Free Speech
Koch Industries is suing two web hosting companies to get the names of Yes Men pranksters that set up a fake Koch website claiming Koch cared about the environment.
Sorry Ladies, You Don’t Count

Antonin Scalia explains that the 14th Amendment does not apply to women.
The Birds And The Bees

The incidents of unexplained mass fish and bird kills in Arkansas painfully shows us what is wrong with the media.
The Wheeler Story Is A True Mystery

The John Wheeler murder story has taken an even more bizarre turn. Wheeler was observed to be disoriented and dishelved in the days leading to his murder.
I Don’t Want To Say I Told You So…

The Navy Captain who made raunchy videos has been relieved of command.
Delaware GOP Establishment Blames O’Donnell

The Delaware GOP establishment found a sympathetic ear to vent about Christine O’Donnell at David Frum’s blog. The DE GOP is both right and wrong in their analysis.
The Constitution Stunt

The new Republican House has already decided that it’s first stunt is to read the Constitution out loud. The Republicans want to convince us that they are the one, true party of the Constitution. I agree with Greg Sargent’s take – that we should use this as an opportunity to talk about the Constitution instead […]
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