
The FINAL House Maps Are Here!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 28, 2021 6 Comments

Here they are: At a quick first glance, it looks like Mike Ramone has been put back into the 21st. Val Longhurst (15th RD) is still not gonna have to justify what she did to the residents of Delaware City. As a result, Melissa Minor-Brown’s district (17th) is blatantly gerrymandered b/c she’s picking up […]

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Here Are The Final Senate Maps

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 26, 2021 23 Comments Let’s see what changes I can find… Slaughter Beach residents got their wish.  They’re back in the 18th SD (Wilson) and out of Bonini’s district, meaning the 18th now runs from Sussex’s westernmost boundary out into the Delaware Bay.  Hey, it’s what the residents who spoke at the hearing said they wanted. It doesn’t […]

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‘Stop DE Corruption’: DNREC Must Be Regulator Of Fort DuPont Project, NOT Facilitator Of Environmental Degradation

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 25, 2021 10 Comments

YES!  Finally!  Folks, please read this letter in its entirety. Hello Mr. Garvin, I’m contacting you based on your dual role as Secretary of DNREC and Board Secretary of the Fort Dupont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation (FDRPC).  You are one of seven state officials on the FDRPC Board along with Laura Lee who is a […]

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Senate Redistricting Hearing: Comments On The Comments

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 19, 2021 28 Comments

I’m annoyed.  I’m annoyed at some of tonight’s speakers, including those from the ACLU and the League Of Women Voters.  Even though…we are members of the Delaware Chapter of the ACLU. Virtually all of tonight’s hearing focused on a few districts in Sussex County.  Three speakers complained that the beachfront community of Slaughter Beach was […]

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Delaware House Of Representatives Public Hearing: Comments On The Comments

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 18, 2021 7 Comments

Well, first and foremost, the R’s are not happy with Mike Ramone being placed in Paul Baumbach’s district.  House Minority Leader Danny Short spoke to that, as did several of Ramone’s constituents.  Schwartzkopf gave some mumbo-jumbo about the numbers and how they had no choice. Except–Ramone is right on the district boundary. Both the ACLU […]

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Anybody Here Live In Delaware City?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 17, 2021 0 Comments

If so, you might want to check out Monday evening’s Public Hearing to get public comment on the proposed House of Representatives redistricting maps.  Here’s the notice: Oh, and you might want to comment on whether it’s appropriate for the incumbent representative to saddle Delaware City with a highly-dubious ‘development’ project, and then skedaddle […]

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Who Is Retiring? Paul Baumbach Or Mike Ramone?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 14, 2021 9 Comments

If what DD wrote over at Blue Delaware is accurate–that Mike Ramone has been drawn into the 23rd District, currently represented by Baumbach, then the maps tell me that one of the two is retiring. Otherwise, you’ve taken Ramone out of the 21st District, and placed him in the same district as Baumbach.  So, yes, […]

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BREAKING: All Of House D Leadership Calls For McGuiness To Take Leave Of Absence

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2021 4 Comments

Yes, even Speaker Pete, who may just be trying to scoop himself out of electoral quicksand.  Here’s the story.  Some excerpts: A joint-statement from Delaware Senate President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola, Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, and Majority Whip Elizabeth Lockman issued Wednesday night notes the auditor plays a “paramount” role in protecting the public’s interest […]

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The House Maps: Questions And Answers

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 13, 2021 11 Comments

Finally.  Here they are: Man, they really pulled some shit here.  First, check out the questions I had here. Now, guess who has beaten a fast retreat from Delaware City.  If you guessed ‘Our PAL Val’ Longhurst, you would be correct.  After steering this crony-infested development project into a community that really didn’t want […]

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“Send In The Mapses…

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 11, 2021 2 Comments

…to fry my synapses (hey, I never claimed to be Sondheim) Well, maybe next week.” Well, maybe this week. Here’s the lede: The House and Senate have scheduled public hearings to review, and to comment upon, the proposed redistricting maps.  Here is that schedule: Public Hearing Schedule(s) House Redistricting Hearing: 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 18 […]

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To Whomever Would Challenge Val Longhurst: There WILL Be Trumpets!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 6, 2021 9 Comments

OK, kids, you’ve seen the results of our poll on which Dem House member should be challenged.  Tops on the list is Val Longhurst.  Even moreso than toppling Speaker Pete, defeating Longhurst with a progressive would kause the kollapse of the Kop Kabal.  Which reminds me, how long would she keep her job with the […]

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Read This, Then Sign The Petition!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 27, 2021 3 Comments
Read This, Then Sign The Petition!

It’s finally dawned on people just how corrupt the supposed development at Ft. DuPont actually is. As you know, I’ve written about it since its inception.  This article provides all the backstory you’ll need.  Read it. (I need the page hits.) Delaware’s two least ethical legislators, joined by a legislator who got out of Dover […]

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Andrew C, You Say You Want A Poll, I’ll GIVE You A Poll!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 25, 2021 14 Comments

Because I’d love to hear what everybody’s answer to this would be: If you could only volunteer to challenge one House incumbent D this year, which of the following would it be, and why?: Stephanie Bolden Larry Mitchell Pete Schwartzkopf Valerie Longhurst Franklin Cooke Lumpy Carson Andria Bennett Bill Bush No doubt there are others […]

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