
A Recall Process for Electeds Belongs on General Assembly’s To-Do List

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2018 4 Comments

Delaware is the least small-d democratic state in the union, the only one in which citizens can neither vote directly on issues (referendum), introduce bills directly to the legislature (initiative) or recall lawmakers. The lack of referendum and initiative isn’t going to change, because lawmakers don’t want the hassle to interrupt their busy schedule of […]

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Meet Your New State Legislators

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 2, 2018 1 Comment

I know, I know, election’s not until November.  However, there were several contested primaries, and the winners of many of those primaries face no opposition in November.  So, they’ll be on the payroll the day after the election.  Let’s take a look at them, accompanied by my occasionally trenchant analysis: Senate District 2: Darius Brown […]

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Yet Another Charter School Closes Abruptly

Filed in Delaware by on September 25, 2018 12 Comments

This time, the Delaware Academy Of Public Safety And Security.  You know, a school allegedly designed to prepare “…students for careers as first responders, such as law enforcement, firefighters and EMTs.” Over $500K in debt and disastrous educational results.  Which, come to think of it, is what you’d expect from a school preparing students for […]

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Delaware’s Most Important Legislative Race Of 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 25, 2018 31 Comments

I was tempted to call this the ‘only’ important race of 2018, but that’s probably an overstatement. However, the contest between incumbent Greg Lavelle and Laura Sturgeon has loads of implications beyond the boundaries of the 4th Senatorial District.  It is not only a referendum on the Delaware Republican Party and one of its leading […]

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Sept. 22 Open Thread: Delaware GOP Disavows Scott Walker

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on September 22, 2018 14 Comments

It should tell you something about this country’s politics that the three most likely destinations for people with mental problems are the nuthouse, the big house and the statehouse. Russell “Scott” Walker is trying for the latter, but he’ll have to do it with no help from the state GOP, which took the unprecedented step […]

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Things I Learned About the New Tom Carper

Filed in Delaware by on September 12, 2018 13 Comments

Know what I learned about Tom Carper in this election? He supports a $15 an hour minimum wage. I didn’t know that about him before. For the simple reason that he didn’t before, and he came out against Bernie Sanders’ bill to raise it in 2017. He changed only because he was challenged by a […]

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Ladeez and Gentlemen: Scott Walker, YOUR Rethug Nominee For Congress

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 11, 2018 40 Comments

I rarely throw the term ‘despicable’ around, even when it comes to the most despicable of politicians.  After all, they are presumably human beings and they likely are good people in their own private Idahos. Scott Walker is truly despicable in every sense of the word. A man devoid of basic humanity.  A slumlord who […]

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November Election Matchups Set – Part 1

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 7, 2018 35 Comments

Not competitive. D Hold

OMG…THE DEGOP pines for the days of Mike Protack. Not competitive. D Hold

Jennings wasn’t my pick but her TV ads sounded pretty good. Dem Hold

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Primary Elections Results Thread-Sept. 6, 2018

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 6, 2018 50 Comments
Primary Elections Results Thread-Sept. 6, 2018

I’m a pessimist by nature–and I’m pessimistic this evening. At least when it comes to the three key statewide races. I have the most hope for the Harris-Carper race. But the small turnout for that GOTV event last night concerns me. I’m not sure we’re quite there yet, at least not at the statewide level. […]

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Election Day Thread: What Are You Doing and Seeing?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 6, 2018 56 Comments
Election Day Thread: What Are You Doing and Seeing?

I’ll start. Headed out to put up Chris and Kerri signs at polling places in the 7th.  It’s as humid as bleep out there.

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Song Of The Day: September 6, 2018

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on September 6, 2018 0 Comments


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McCain Eulogy Revives Biden 2020 Chatter

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 4, 2018 6 Comments

Oratory is Joe Biden’s trademark as a politician, and he displays it best at funerals. His eulogy for John McCain was so good it prompted some pundits to muse about his presidential qualities. Lots of media outlets used his appearance in Pittsburgh’s Labor Day parade as a fresh peg for another round of “Will Joe […]

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Sept. 4 Open Thread: Woodward Details White House Bedlam

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on September 4, 2018 3 Comments

This is what they mean when they say “the institutions are working,” apparently: The Washington Post has a copy of Bob Woodward’s new book, in which former administration officials confess swiping documents off Trump’s desk to keep him from harming himself and others. In one case, an aide swiped a letter that would have withdrawn […]

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