DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023
Chris Coons must be having the mother of all sads today. After Kave-in McCarthy was ousted as House speaker, a GOP member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus told CNN that Republicans in the group are considering quitting en masse because none of its Democratic members voted to retain him. Republicans apparently can’t conceive of […]
BREAKING: McCarthy Loses Speakership
216-210. 8 R’s voted to remove McCarthy, no D’s voted for McCarthy. Circular firing squad. Rethugs are livid at the renegades. But, hey, McCarthy cut the deal that made this inevitable.
DL Open Thread Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023
Matt Gaetz – am I the only one who thinks he looks like a low-quality AI rendering of a young Jack Nicholson? – has pulled the trigger on his threat to depose Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House. This puts McCarthy’s fate in the hands of House Democrats; Josh Marshall weighs the pros and […]
DL Open Thread Monday Oct. 2, 2023
It takes a lot of dysfunction for the media to notice the GOP is in disarray, but that tipping point has been reached. Matt Gaetz says he’ll try to oust Kave-in McCarthy as speaker, while as-yet-nameless Republicans are expel Gaetz from Congress because, one said, “No one can stand him at this point.” This is […]
Song of the Day 9/30: “Flipper” Theme
Former Republican poll watcher Scott Hall pled guilty to five criminal counts and must testify against co-defendants, notably former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, his contact in the plot. He’s the first of 19 defendants in the case to flip. I’m guessing he won’t be the last. For those too young to remember it, “Flipper” was […]
Meanwhile, in New Jersey…

Indicted Sen. “Gold Bar Bob” Menendez refuses to resign, but nobody expects him to survive a primary for his seat. Yet so far only one office-holder, U.S. Rep. Andy Kim, has stepped forward to announce a challenge to the scandal-plagued incumbent. As this story recounts, it’s not for lack of people who want a higher […]
Reflecting on 18 years of DL & Thanks

Well, it looks like I picked a heck of a day to hang it up, but this is it for me. My last post. 18 years is a long time, so I have some people to thank. For everyone I name I’m going to forget tons of people, so just know that if you’ve been […]
DL Open Thread Friday, Sept. 29, 2023
Considering the pointlessness of the entire spectacle – all the challengers combined don’t reach Trump’s share of the Republican voters – the media sure is spilling a lot of pixels talking about the GOP gabfest. I’m not linking to any of it because I don’t want to encourage them. Besides, only 9.3 million people tuned […]
DL Open Thread Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023
Trump’s business empire is in legal jeopardy over his constant lying, but lying is all he knows how to do, so he’s still at it. He gave a speech to a bunch of non-union auto workers and scabs last night but had a bunch of them carry UAW signs. But Philip Bump of the Washington […]
Sealed Bid Auction Announcement & Instructions – Sale of Website Domain “” and Accompanying LLC

On behalf of the owner, we are delighted to announce a sealed bid auction for the sale of the premium domain name “” along with its accompanying Limited Liability Company (LLC). This unique opportunity presents a valuable asset for entrepreneurs, media companies, or investors who aim to establish a prominent online presence in Delaware’s news […]
DL Open Thread Wednesday September 27 2023 Auction Details Coming this Afternoon …This unique opportunity presents a valuable asset for entrepreneurs, media companies, or investors who aim to establish a prominent online presence in Delaware’s news and information space. We are interested in bids from all members of the community including those who may have been historically underrepresented in the media […]
Last Week’s Poll Results and This Week’s Poll
Only 2 readers and lurkers have ever been displaced by fire or flood. 95% of us haven’t been displaced yet. Aren’t we lucky? This is a poll I’d like to do every year for the next 20 years. Alas, ain’t nobody got time for that. As if to underscore that sentiment – here is a […]
DL Open Thread Tuesday September 26 2023
I’ll be adding to thins open thread this afternoon, but in the meantime listen to this Highland’s Bunker. In the best tradition of Highlands Bunker, it is an eyeopener in terms of further opening your eyes on topics you think they were already fully open on, such as Universal vs Means Tested programs. 4 DAYS AGO AT 8:00 […]
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