
Happy Birthday Tetris!

Filed in International by on June 7, 2009 3 Comments

Yesterday, the game Tetris turned 25 years old. I haven’t played Tetris in a long time. For a while I was addicted to Tetris. When I was a young grad student, we had a computer with Tetris on it in the shared grad student organic chemistry T.A. office. We all used to play it and […]

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Obama’s Egypt Speech

Filed in International by on June 4, 2009 18 Comments

The man knows how to give speeches. Full text of the speech here. Steve Benen at the Washington Monthly highlights this portion, about the relationship between the U.S. and the Muslim world: “[J]ust as America can never tolerate violence by extremists, we must never alter our principles. 9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. […]

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Will We Soon Return To $4/Gallon Gas?

Filed in International by on June 1, 2009 14 Comments

Matt Yglesias has a question: What I can see is the present, where markets react to any sign of good economic news with a big jump in oil prices. And the news in question is of the “things aren’t getting bad quite as quickly as we feared” genre of good news. What if six months […]

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Damn, torture works. I admit it I was wrong

Filed in International by on May 27, 2009 24 Comments

I wonder what our devout Christians reading this will say now. Never mind, facts don’t get in the way of opinion. A 14-year military interrogator has undercut one of the key arguments posited by Vice President Dick Cheney in favor of the Bush Administration’s torture techniques and alleged that the use of torture has cost […]

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on May 20, 2009 1 Comment

Vietnam teaches several lessons, the first of which is that the United States can have normal relations with countries whose political systems and ideologies it rejects. That is as true of Cuba and Iran today as it was of Vietnam or China. — Roger Cohen

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on May 18, 2009 3 Comments

Governments around the world are getting more savvy about excluding journalists from war zones. The US Government partly blamed its failure in Vietnam on the freedom of the press rather than on its military strategy. That led to me being banned from reporting the Falklands war. I had dinner recently with some senior military men […]

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on May 16, 2009 0 Comments

The president who did most for Israel was Jimmy Carter — the same Carter who has sometimes been described as an Israel-hater. — Martin Van Creveld

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Quote of the Day

Filed in International by on May 14, 2009 12 Comments

Like most Americans, we have not yet seen the images [new torture photos] and don’t know what they’ll portray. But until they’re made public, they seem likely only to inflame the imaginations of America’s friends and enemies. The worst will be assumed. And let’s not forget Obama’s promise, on his second day in office, to […]

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Setting Up a Shell Company In Panama, So Easy an Intern Can Do It

Filed in International, National by on May 13, 2009 3 Comments

Public Citizen brings us this video explaining how easy it is to avoid paying taxes on your corporate income.  The video was created to explain the impact on tax avoidance if the US signs on to the Panama Free Trade Agreement.  Apparently the whole process is streamlined and secret in Panama (John McCain’s home country) […]

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Open Mouth, Insert 3 Wood

Filed in International by on May 9, 2009 5 Comments
Open Mouth, Insert 3 Wood

So, what is with golf commentators? Yesterday, Delaware Dem posted a story about some idiocy said by David Feherty. This isn’t the first dumb ass comment by a golf announcer and it certainly won’t be the last. It must be something in the country club water. The first that comes to mind is the comment […]

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Swine Flu: US Declares A Public Health Emergency

Filed in International, National by on April 26, 2009 3 Comments

Via HuffPo: WASHINGTON — The U.S. is declaring a public health emergency to deal with the emerging new swine flu. The precautionary step doesn’t signal a greater threat to Americans. But it allows the federal and state governments easier access to flu tests and medications. It has also been confirmed that the eight NYC students […]

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FYI: I got the go ahead

Filed in International by on April 23, 2009 6 Comments

FYI:  I had my attorney draft up a legal doc that say’s it’s ok if I walk over to my neighbor’s house and rape the ever loving shit out of their dog and beat the ever loving shit out of its’ owner.  WOOOHOOOOOO. The guy is an imminent threat to me and my children.  He […]

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If You’re Okay With Water Boarding Then…

Filed in International by on April 21, 2009 4 Comments

… Would you understand if the Iranians water boarded Roxana Saberi? Reporting from Cairo and Tehran — An Iranian American journalist accused of spying for the U.S. was sentenced Saturday by an Iranian court to eight years in prison, a move likely to put a chill on the Obama administration’s efforts to improve relations with […]

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