Open Thread

DL Open Thread: Friday, September 4, 2020

Filed in Featured, National, Open Thread by on September 4, 2020 3 Comments

Trump: Soldiers Who Died In War Are ‘Losers’ And ‘Suckers’.  Totally unfit for office.  Some excerpts from an important article that actually could make a difference: …In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., Jan. 31, 2020

Filed in Open Thread by on January 31, 2020 9 Comments

Today is a day that will live in obloquy: Britain’s last day in the European Union and Donald Trump’s exoneration by the U.S. Senate. Don’t get mad, get even. The coronavirus is spreading around the world, even as airlines cancel flights to and from China. I’m looking forward to the stories of anti-vaxxers who purposely […]

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DL Open Thread for Nov. 1, 2019

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on November 1, 2019 10 Comments

All these investigations have Trump on the run — literally. In another of an endless series of petulant wee-hours tweets, Trump announced he is leaving New York to make Florida his permanent home, which lots of well-off people do to dodge taxes. That doesn’t seem to be Donnie Two Scoops’ reason, though, given that he […]

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DL Open Thread 10/26/19

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 26, 2019 1 Comment

A federal judge tossed weeks of Republican process arguments in the garbage, ruling that Congress has the right to see the redacted grand jury testimony from the Mueller investigation. Just a thought, but wouldn’t an innocent person want an investigation to clear his name? Proof that Trump surrounds himself with the best people: Rudy Giuliani, […]

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DL Open Thread 10/25/19

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on October 25, 2019 3 Comments
DL Open Thread 10/25/19

In the best Donald Trump “I’m rubber, you’re glue” tradition, AG Bill Barr is now running a criminal investigation into the origins of the investigation of Donald Trump by intelligence agencies during the 2016 election. I can save them a lot of trouble: Mothafucka was acting like a Russian agent — and so are you, […]

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DL Open Thread 10/24/19

Filed in Open Thread by on October 24, 2019 12 Comments
DL Open Thread 10/24/19

Matt Gaetz, the congressional version of Florida Man, tried to lead a GOP Lost Boys attack on a closed-door impeachment hearing and proved they don’t understand national security in the process. I’m beginning to think Republicans are represented entirely by dropouts from the Ringling Bros. clown college. Those who finish their clown college classwork graduate […]

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DL Open Thread,10/23/19

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 23, 2019 6 Comments

Yesterday’s big news was the closed-door Congressional testimony of Bill Taylor, the ambassador to Ukraine who tangled with Gordon Sondland over Trump’s extortion of that country. Democrats said his testimony was the most damaging yet to the Trump criminal enterprise. Here’s a rundown of what was in Taylor’s 15-page opening statement from Digby. Remember when […]

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DL Open Thread 9/29

Filed in Open Thread by on September 29, 2019 0 Comments

Joan Walsh writes what many of us have known for years now: Trump is going to take the GOP down with him. Worried that the Senate can simply refuse to hold a trial once the House votes to impeach?Don’t be. Even the GOP acknowledges it can’t do that. The courts batted down the administration’s attempt […]

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DL Open Thread 9/28

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 28, 2019 13 Comments

Anti-Trump GOP strategist Rick Wilson says that by his count, more than 25 Republican Senators could vote against Trump given the right circumstances. “They live in terror of him and they are all moral cowards,” he continued. “They are fearful of Donald Trump’s mob and his horde. At one point somebody is going to break […]

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DL Open Thread 9/27

Filed in Open Thread by on September 27, 2019 17 Comments

Well, that was fast. One hearing in and already come the complaints that the Democrats are doing it wrong. Much gnashing of teeth over the GOP’s Sgt. Schultz routine — they see nossing, nossing that requires impeachment — but many reacted with less than the usual fervor. Those of us who like to point out […]

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DL Open Thread 9/26

Filed in Open Thread by on September 26, 2019 5 Comments

The whistleblower complaint has been released. The upshot: It’s not just the phone call that triggered concern, it was White House efforts to cover it up. In other words, they’re simultaneously arguing that the call was innocent and that they had every right not to let the public, or history, know about it. The entire […]

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DL Open Thread 9/25

Filed in Open Thread by on September 25, 2019 4 Comments

Now that Nancy Pelosi has finally overcome the fear of monsters under her bed, pundits are writing pieces on how the Democrats might screw it up. At least the headlines won’t say “Democrats in disarray” for a while. As this piece points out, Trump’s “explanations” of the Ukraine phone call have been all over the […]

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DL Open Thread 9/24

Filed in Open Thread by on September 24, 2019 4 Comments

The impeachment watch is on, so mainstream media will relegate all other stories to the back burner for the foreseeable future. Pundits, even those who previously advocated caution, are falling over each other to post “it’s time” columns. So expect this site to see more trolls than usual as Trumpkins get nervous about the joyride […]

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