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How a fictitious Hunter Biden controversy went from being invented on Twitter to a congressional investigation in 5 days

Filed in National by on January 25, 2023 2 Comments

A random wingnut posts a form that Biden filled out that lists office expenses and misinterprets it. Miranda Devine, a NY Post reporter with 350K followers tweets out the false claim. Fox News (also Murdoch-owned) goes all in on the story, with Tucker Carlson claiming that “Miranda Devine of the New York Post has also […]

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Tucker Carlson on “instant justice” for Youth Pastors

Filed in National by on January 25, 2023 2 Comments
Tucker Carlson on “instant justice” for  Youth Pastors

“What you’re seeing is a society that hates children,” Carlson said on his show Monday. “You would have to hate children in order to allow them to spend time with Youth Pastors. Because being exposed to Youth Pastors screws them up for life. Ask anyone to whom it has happened, period,” he said. “No one […]

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Song of the Day 1/25: Otis Redding, “These Arms of Mine”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 25, 2023 6 Comments
Song of the Day 1/25: Otis Redding, “These Arms of Mine”

It’s getting damn hard to honor somebody with a statue in this country. Sure, it’s more common these days to remove statues than install them as we reevaluate who’s worthy of the honor, but even when people agree someone deserves recognition, those in charge are told they’re doing it wrong. Consider the case of the […]

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., January 25, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 25, 2023 9 Comments

It WAS a pretty interesting day yesterday. I listened to the entire Senate debate on the Community Workforce Agreement section of SB 35 (Walsh), and it’s still as clear as mud to me.  Will it benefit minority workers and contractors, or will it provide further protection to the predominantly white construction trades?  Not a word […]

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DLOpen Thread Wednesday January 25 2023

Filed in National by on January 25, 2023 10 Comments
DLOpen Thread Wednesday January 25 2023

Being a Delaware Republican must feel like being a Dallas Cowboys fan.  Your ownership is scum, you have to live with knowing that you suck, you just know you will lose in some novel and embarrassing fashion, and in the meantime you need to hang around with the worst people.  Like this fucking guy: Join […]

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Thousands of Youth Pastors Roam Freely Around Florida, and Yet…

Filed in National by on January 24, 2023 9 Comments

Florida teachers told to remove books from classroom libraries or risk felony prosecution Teachers in Manatee County, Florida, are being told to make their classroom libraries — and any other “unvetted” book — inaccessible to students, or risk felony prosecution. The new policy is part of an effort to comply with new laws and regulations […]

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Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 24, 2023 14 Comments

ALERT! ALERT! Dirty Delaware Way dealings being rushed through the Senate today! In the form of the so-called ‘Mini-Bond Bill’, SB 35 (Walsh).  I spot three items that should be excised. Can you spot even more?: 1. “Section 187. Redevelopment of Strategic Sites (Fort DuPont). Notwithstanding the provisions of any other state law to the […]

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Song of the Day 1/24: Randy Rainbow, “Speaker of the House”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on January 24, 2023 1 Comment

We hadn’t heard from Washington’s singing court jester, Randy Rainbow, for a while, but Kevin McCarthy’s long road to the speakership of the House of Horribles™ apparently inspired him. The tune is “Master of the House” from “Les Miserables,” but don’t hold that against it. Is it me, or is Randy working bluer than he […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday January 24 2023

Filed in National by on January 24, 2023 14 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday January 24 2023

Carper said that introducing a DC statehood bill reminded him of when he introduced the Hawaii, Alaska and Arizona statehood bills.

Delaware Democrat introducing DC statehood bill in Senate

Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) on Monday announced he’s reintroducing a bill to grant statehood to the nation’s capital.

“The rumors are true! I’m introducing the #DCStatehood bill in the Senate this week,” Carper wrote on Twitter.

Carper has led previous efforts to get the bill through in the Senate in partnership with the District of Columbia’s nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House, Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), whose name on Twitter is Eleanor “#DCStatehood” Holmes Norton.  

Dewey Beach is in the market for a new town slogan

So far the leading candidates are:

“Highest rate of pedestrian fatalities in the state!” 

“If you lived here, you’d be drunk by now.” 

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Song of the Day 1/23: Pink Floyd, “Brain Damage/Eclipse”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 23, 2023 1 Comment
Song of the Day 1/23: Pink Floyd, “Brain Damage/Eclipse”

We can file this one under Things I Wish I’d Made Up: RWNJs think Pink Floyd has “gone woke.” This year marks the 50th anniversary of Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon,” something that didn’t go unnoticed by the suits at Sony. The LP has spent decades on the Billboard 200 album chart and […]

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DL Open Thread Monday January 23 2023

Filed in National by on January 23, 2023 27 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday January 23 2023

I listened to Delaware House & Senate Republicans “reaction” to the State Address by Governor Carney so you don’t have to

Hocker opened up slurring through some nonsense that I couldn’t really make out.  Is he drunk or having a stroke?  If it’s a stoke, I don’t want to make too much fun of him. I’m decent that way.

Pettyjohn agrees with Carney on everything, but wants Delaware to shove money into the bank accounts of multi-national companies even faster and with even less oversight.  Turning Delaware into the anti-regulation paradise “just like Texas” appears to be  Pettyjohn’s obsession.  (His campaign for Gov tag line?  Spoiler Alert: It is going to be tough to run to the right of Bethany Hall Long on the issue of making the state an even bigger corporate patsy.)

Ramone wants to know…

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More machine guns in circulation and fewer regulations about who can own them would probably fix this

Filed in National by on January 22, 2023 6 Comments

MONTEREY PARK, Calif. (AP) — Law enforcement officials swarmed and entered a white van Sunday afternoon that officials suspect was driven by a gunman who opened fire on a Southern California ballroom dance studio, killing 10 people and wounding 10 more. Police surrounded the van with tactical vehicles and bomb squad trucks for hours before […]

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Song of the Day 1/22: The Radiants, “Hold On”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 22, 2023 3 Comments

Listening yesterday to WXPN’s tribute to Jerry Blavat, I was reminded that back in the day the national music scene was a lot less homogenized than it is today. With heavy promotion a song could break nationwide, but a record like Billy Harner’s “Sally Sayin’ Somethin’” could be a big hit in Philadelphia and almost […]

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