Tag: 2008 Presidential
Joe the Plumber Meets Cedric the Entertainer
And there seems to the a shout-out to the feces throwing monkey here too: h/t Ta-Nehisi Coates over at the Atlantic.
Kiss and Tell
Which Republican will write the first “Tell All” book on the McCain Campaign and who will receive most of the blame?
Ain’t Payback a B*tch
At times like this it’s always wise to refer to history. So in the name of wingnut hypocrisy – and just for fun! – let’s take a stroll down memory lane. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0jLd441YbM[/youtube] (Courtesy of Kos/Jed report) Honestly, if I had to name one thing that has made the biggest impact in this election (besides the […]
Somebody’s Going Under the Bus
This is a remarkable assessment — especially for a Republican campaign where grading on a curve is still the instinct of the traditional media. Has anyone seen the interview they reference? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-bHIqxkmdw[/youtube]
The Amazingly Disconnected McCain Campaign
Who in their right mind approved Sarah Palin’s 150k shopping spree? Who vetted Joe the Plumber before shoving him into the spotlight? Who decided that lying to Letterman was okay? The McCain Campaign is a train wreck. Or, in Jason’s words: Worst. Campaign. Ever. Palin’s shopping orgy is just one more stupid mistake. Since naming […]
I’m Shocked, Shocked
to find that they’re playing the Rev. Wright card in here! Somebody please tell Rick Davis to stop treating all of us like McCain’s likely voters. We’ve never been so dumb as to have ever believed McCain in the first place that Wright was off of the table. But I guess that is why David […]
Powell Follows Up
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh_c5bbvmqc[/youtube] This is just remarkable. He reminds everyone that there really is an American middle and the Republicans have quite forgotten what that group expects. (I would also say that this reminds the media that they, too have forgotten what the great American middle looks like, too.) You can see right here why it is […]
Bill Maher Plays the Race Card
The usual suspects won’t find this funny, but hey. NSFW, people. Forgot to say the bit starts at about 2:00. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl3METtGx6U[/youtube] EDIT: This is Your Nation on White Privilege Wink at Pandora!
The Colin Powell Factor
Lawrence O’Donnell speculates today that Colin Powell is ready to endorse. O’Donnell claims that Powell is going to endorse Obama. There has been speculation about this for many weeks — often spoken of as either a game changer for Obama (this would be more than 3 weeks ago) or as an inoculation for some new […]
The Day McCain Lost the Election
McCain has made many mistakes this campaign season, but there’s one 24 hour period that stands out in my mind. Funnily enough it all begins with David Letterman. Had it not been for Letterman showing the shot of McCain not flying back to Washington immediately the tactic of “suspending” his campaign might have worked. This stunt […]
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