Tag: Bush’s FUBAR War

Oh, This is Why Mike Castle Won’t Meet His Constituents…

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 29, 2007 12 Comments
Oh, This is Why Mike Castle Won’t Meet His Constituents…

I had to bump this back up because we have to just let the fact that the NJ ran this giant picture on the front page of the local section. That is a huge breakthrough. Is it possible that the Brahmins of Basin Rd. are starting to get it?  The entire “I love Bush” sash […]

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Posting From Rodney Square

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 28, 2007 0 Comments

I stopped by the all-day rally for lunch today and I have taken a seat at the live blogging table to give an update on what I’m seeing. There is still some setup going on with signs being placed strategically in preparation for tonights event. There are about a dozen volunteers working feverishly to get […]

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Tell Mike Castle to Take A Stand

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 27, 2007 19 Comments

[youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=Nj_Zcg_xLyg] Tuesday is the day.  Come on out to Rodney Square from 7AM to 7PM. “This war just needs to grind to the end.” – Michael Newbold Castle August 6th, 2007 Do you feel well represented in Congress? Tell Mike Castle to take a stand.

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UPDATED: Crank up the Propaganda Machine

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 23, 2007 9 Comments

UPDATE: h/t to OM for the link to America blog, which does show that Castle is inexplicably included as a “target” for these ads. “Freedom’s Watch” has included Mike Castle in $900,000 Philadelphia market ad buy. These guys must have tons of cash to burn since Castle has voted with Bush 90% of the time […]

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No seriously, the surge is working

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 20, 2007 20 Comments

See this is shining example how democracy is taking hold over there… You don’t like the governor, you just blow them up till you get one you like… But some people that visit Iraq, fight in Iraq,  read NRO will try to tell you  “There is a huge segment of the population that lives in areas […]

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Reports From the Front (It Ain’t Pretty)

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 19, 2007 17 Comments

Seven enlisted men recently back from Iraq have penned an Op-Ed in the New York Times. Their take is a compelling read and it breaks my heart to think that we are sending more an more soldiers to fight in this FUBAR war, including David Anderson and Beau Biden. we are skeptical of recent press […]

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The surge is working! The surge is working!

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 17, 2007 8 Comments

Iraqi women: Prostituting ourselves to feed our children “At this point there is a population of women who have to sell their bodies in order to keep their children alive,” says Yanar Mohammed, head and founder of the Organization for Women’s Freedom in Iraq. “It’s a taboo that no one is speaking about.” You see […]

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Seperate but not equal

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 10, 2007 0 Comments

Why does this not surprise me? “The rule separating local national latrines from soldiers was enacted about two to three rotations ago,” Garcia said some Iraqis squatted on the rims of unfamiliar American-style toilets or had used showers as toilets, forcing private contractors who maintain the facilities to clean up after them. Another soldier at […]

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Sunday Bloody Sunday

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 10, 2007 0 Comments


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THIS is what we have become as a Nation

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 7, 2007 0 Comments

prepare to be sick the agency hired a group of outside contractors, who implemented a regime of techniques that one well-informed former adviser to the American intelligence community described as “a ‘Clockwork Orange’ kind of approach.” The experts were retired military psychologists, and their backgrounds were in training Special Forces soldiers how to survive torture, […]

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Things are getting dicey up in Northern Iraq….and Leon’s getting larrrrrggggerr. (airplane quote)

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 6, 2007 8 Comments

But before I dive into that topic did you know that our Allies are working with the Axis of Evil (boogity, boogity)  So, when do we bomb Turkey? This was tucked neatly away in the article I read this morning (before I came into work of course). Iran, also combating Kurdish rebels on its soil, […]

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Ho hum

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 1, 2007 1 Comment

76 the July toll of U.S. deaths in Iraq. Oh well, they signed up to defend their country, (in Iraq)  knowing full well they could die.   It was thier choice, so honestly, who gives a shit, as long as you feel safer?

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The surge is working! The surge is working!

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 1, 2007 28 Comments

“no amount of troops in no amount of time will make much of a difference.” wtf does this commie, hippie, liberal, panty waste, AQ abetting, Religion Hating faggot know? psssst donviti yes? He’s Adm. Michael G. Mullen, President Bush’s nominee to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff, oh! sorry, he’s a fine American then.

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