Tag: Delaware Republicans

Teapartiers = Delaware GOP

Filed in National by on April 14, 2010 56 Comments
Teapartiers = Delaware GOP

So apparently the Delaware GOP is on the same path as the rest of their party and publicly get in bed with these teabaggers. The teabaggers are having their annual collective tax pout at the state-funded (the state that collects taxes for just such efforts) Wilmington Riverfront (and other publically funded places throughout the state) […]

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More 1Q Numbers

Filed in National by on April 12, 2010 13 Comments

Republican Glenn Urquhart, running for the GOP nomination for the open Congressional seat has announced fundraising numbers for 1Q of $512,000. $500,000 of that money comes from Mr. Urquhart himself. This number is certainly more impressive than Rose Izzo’s $700 fundraising number. Will Urquhart make a race of it with Michelle Rollins?

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State Republicans Defend The Employee Pay Scandal

Filed in National by on March 7, 2010 9 Comments

Last week, the News Journal published an article on the abuse of legislative perks by the GOP in the General Assembly. Among the revelations were that the GOP majority paid political consultants out of taxpayer funds, including one consultant who never showed up for work. Today in a letter to the editor, House Minority Leader […]

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DE GOP Abuse of Legislative Perks

Filed in National by on February 27, 2010 59 Comments

That is the topic of a good piece of reporting by Ginger Gibson in this morning’s News Journal, providing some detail how how the GOP spent their budgets to support themselves when they were in control of the House. This report has the feel of a tip of the iceberg — as in there is likely more there to look at.

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Rep. Oberle Announces Retirement

Filed in National by on January 6, 2010 7 Comments

Celia Cohen gets the scoop: Bill Oberle has decided not to run for re-election this year, bringing to an end a 34-year legislative career that has made him the longest-serving Republican in the Delaware General Assembly. He made his plans official Tuesday evening by telling the other Republicans in the House of Representatives during a […]

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Republicans Score Political Points, Kill Jobs

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2009 8 Comments

This just in from the News Journal, an important partner for the wind turbine tower construction project has pulled out of a partnership with Delawind.  You may remember that Delawind was attacked by the right-wing here in Delaware because one of their principles is John Carney.  Delawind had applied for financing from the state to […]

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Time to Put Up or Shut Up Sussex County Republicans

Filed in National by on November 12, 2009 13 Comments

As a terrible storm slowly works its way up the coast, I hereby call on Mike Castle and Sussex County Republicans to demand that the federal government save our tax dollars by not spending on beach replenishment.  Sussex County is sick and tired of the inefficient and dangerous expansion of government into what should be […]

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Because It’s Irresponsible Not To…

Filed in National by on October 28, 2009 20 Comments

We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the Castle/Biden race but what about the other big race in Delaware – the U.S. House race. More specifically – who is the shallow bench going to sacrifice run against John Carney? Let’s examine the bench. First, here are the elected Republican officials: State Auditor Tom Wagner Senator […]

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