Tag: Delaware

DL Free Lunchtime Video

Filed in National by on October 23, 2008 1 Comment

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Biggest (Senate) Upset Watch

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 17 Comments

The biggest Senate upset of election night will be….drum roll….. John Mackenzie knocking off Liane Sorenson in the 6th Senate District. Senate seats hardly ever change hands in elections, but depend on the occupant to die or retire. This district has been gerrymandered out from under Sorenson though and with the Obama Blue wave rolling […]

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Katz Shows Clatworthy How It Is Done

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 17 Comments
Katz Shows Clatworthy How It Is Done

Okay, this is really a continuation of Round 2, but Community News reporter Jesse Chadderdon did a great job reporting the Hockessin debate between Dr. Mike Katz and John Clatworthy. “I have to say this has been a very uncomfortable few weeks,” Katz said, holding up mailings sent out by the Clatworthy camp he called […]

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Charlie and the Taking Credit Factory

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 7 Comments
Charlie and the Taking Credit Factory

Tommywonk has the definitive history of the creation of The Challenge Program. And he is quite right, this program does great work and is teaching very advanced construction craftsmanship — if you own a house in a historic district or in a historic overlay you know how tough it can be to find folks with […]

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Where’s Karen?

Filed in Delaware by on October 22, 2008 23 Comments

I was getting some press releases for a few days and thought she was getting it going, but it all petered out. Does anyone know what the candidate is doing?

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Clatworthy Comes A Calling

Filed in Delaware by on October 22, 2008 5 Comments

I remember like it was yesterday when Dave Burris said that John Clatworthy could be using FLS Connect for something other than Robo Calls. Four days later my phone rings from the Republican State Committee of Delaware (302-651-0260) with a John Clatworthy robo call. The robo call was from “your State Representative Deborah Hudson” though this might […]

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DL’s Free Lunchtime Video

Filed in National by on October 22, 2008 3 Comments

Keeping Delaware blog readers copacetic since yesterday.

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The Circadian Clatworthy Post

Filed in Delaware by on October 22, 2008 11 Comments

Tommywonk wrote yesterday about Clatworthy’s negative campaigning: I don’t think I’m too sensitive when it comes to rugged campaigning. But while I’m well versed in the none-too-gentle art of city politics, I don’t remember learning that you can just make stuff up. In the campaign for the 4th Senate district, Republican John Clatworthy seems comfortable […]

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Charlie and the Negativity Factory

Filed in Delaware by on October 22, 2008 25 Comments
Charlie and the Negativity Factory

Check out Tommywonk for his post about Copeland’s false claims in starting the Challenge Program. Charlie Copeland has made his role in the program a centerpiece of his campaign, particularly in the City of Wilmington. If Copeland said he simply led the program, I would not give the matter any thought. But his claim to […]

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Democratic City Committee Rally Today

Filed in Delaware by on October 22, 2008 4 Comments

The Democratic City Committee is having a GOTV rally at the Delaware Association of Police building at 2201 Lancaster Avenue today, Wednesday 22 October from 5:30 to 8. Invitation is extended to everyone and children are welcome. Let us know if you go, and we’ll post pictures and reports if you send them to us!

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Insurance Commissioner’s Race Revisited

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2008

MJ took us up on the suggestion to write up his thoughts and issues re: the Insurance Commissioner Race. Go read the whole thing.

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The Good Thing About Clatworthy

Filed in National by on October 21, 2008 7 Comments
The Good Thing About Clatworthy

His “tax cuts” = “growth” lit allows me to put up pictures of “Tryckle” the magical GOP unicorn again.

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DL’s Free Lunchtime Video

Filed in National by on October 21, 2008 3 Comments

In an effort to mitigate the bad karma that comes along with heated elections, I present to you the first DL Free Lunchtime Video. Watch the video below the fold. Enjoy.

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