Tag: Donald Trump
Donald Trump Speaks On Abortion – And It’s Just As Bad As You Imagine
Via The Daily Beast: There must be “some form of punishment” for women who have abortions, Donald Trump said Wednesday afternoon Adding… “you go back to a position like they had where they would perhaps go to illegal places, but we have to ban it.” and the exact punishment would “have to be determined.” And […]
Josh Marshall: Someone Will Die
Go read the entire thing. Today we appear to be going further and further into uncharted territory. After the cancellation of Trump’s event yesterday in Chicago, we had the incident at the rally in Dayton, Ohio in which a protestor, Thomas Dimassimo, jumped the security perimeter surrounding Trump and tried to rush the speaking platform. […]
The eerie similarities between Donald Trump and Christine O’Donnell
Paul Ryan on Trump’s Muslim Ban
A curious statement by Speaker Paul Ryan, “This is not conservatism. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. And, more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for”…Maybe Ryan speaking out like this is exactly what is needed to start shutting down Trump’s insanity, lest he continue on and win the nomination.
Donald Trump: Radical Islamic Terrorist = All Muslims
Everyone knew the Republican hysteria over President Obama (and others) not using the exact words “Radical Islamic Terrorists” was the stepping stone to condemning all Muslims. They needed those words to be said in order to morph Radical Islamic Terrorist into Muslim. Donald Trump just sped up the morphing process. Via TPM: GOP frontrunner Donald […]
Guest Post: Delaware’s Government Channels Its Inner Trump
Secretary of Finance Tom Cook’s recent op-ed epitomizes the strategy of hiding things in plain sight. Secretary Cook and Governor Jack Markell’s revenue review panel has concealed among its recommendations for making Delaware tax revenues more “elastic” an ideologically driven agenda of tax cuts for the wealthy and out-of-state corporations at the expense of our state’s middle class, senior citizens and local business owners. That our governor could sanction such recommendations is a prime example of how politics in Delaware has been hollowed out in favor of profit taking.
Let’s first notice that in a era of declining revenues and increasingly challenging budgets to balance Governor Markell’s instructions forbade raising new revenue: “if a recommendation was made that could be expected to generate additional revenue for the state, then a corresponding revenue reduction would also be proposed to offset it.” This means (in English) that Cook’s panel was not interested in providing more money to balance our budget, but in changing who pays the bills.
Why Does The Republican Establishment Expect Trump To Apologize To Megyn Kelly?
I’ve come to accept that the Republican establishments only chance of getting rid of Donald Trump is to get him to self implode – since not one of these professed leaders will ever take him on. The best they can do is lob a few personal attacks at him, tsk tsk his tone, and (dare I say it?) point out how un-PC he is. What they don’t do is call out his policy or the substance of his comments.
When Trump made his remarks about Mexican immigrants and the GOP feigned outrage he said, “The crime is raging and it’s violent. And if you talk about it, it’s racist.” Ooh, that line is straight out of the Republican playbook. In GOPland, being called a racist is a gazillion times worse than being a racist.
When Trump said, “He’s (John McCain) not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” the Republican establishment thought, “Ah ha! Now we’ve got him!” What they ignored was the fact that Republicans are quite comfortable in not supporting all the troops. Swiftboating and booing a gay serviceman is a-okay with them.
Which brings us to Trump’s remarks about Megyn Kelly.
I Need This To Happen.
Donald Trump told CNBC he would “seriously, seriously” consider jumping into the White House race if Rick Santorum wins the GOP presidential nomination.
Uhhhh…Thanks? Donald Trump
Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent hypothesizes that Trumop’s humiliation has changed the narrative about Obama and his supposed weakness.
Donald Trump was uninvited from being the pace car driver for the Indianapolis 500 after a group of activists placed pressure on the race organizers.
These Grapes Are Very Sour
Donald Trump is not amused. There are people in the world suffering, don’t you know.
That’s Going To Leave A Mark
President Obama skewered Donald Trump last night at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.
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