Tag: Hillary Clinton
The Healing Begins Today
Today Hillary Clinton will give the speech of her lifetime. I have no doubt she will fully and enthusiastically endorse Barack Obama and that she will demand the same of her supporters. Any attacks she makes will be directed at John McCain, any slight will be against the Republican Party. The primary is over… … […]
Hillary to concede on Saturday
ABC News is reporting that Hillary will suspend her campaign and endorse Obama on Saturday. Let the healing begin. The primary was tough, but remember it was a family fight, and in the end families stick together.
Will she or won’t she?
What will Hillary say tonight? On the one hand signs are pointing to her acknowledging Obama as the nominee. On the other hand… Okay, I’ll admit I’m starting to get a bad feeling about tonight. What I don’t understand is what possible option she has left? And by option I mean one that wouldn’t rip […]
Will California lead the way?
The Field has learned that Cardoza is the first of a group of at least 40 Clinton delegates, many of them from California, that through talking among themselves came to a joint decision that all of them would vote for Obama at the convention. They have informed Senator Clinton that it’s time to unite around […]
Hillary as the Psycho Ex-Girlfriend
Holy cow. My brother is on today. He sent me the link earlier and I got so engrossed, I forgot to click on the other link. Whatever you do today, you must read this blog post today. My only regret is that Donviti didn’t do it.
Hillary Post-Mortem
Time has a piece up about the 5 mistakes that Hillary made that cost her the nomination. It is a pretty good list. I think the weak point of the article is that Axelrod was one of the main sources. Anyone else have mistakes that she made? I think it would also be fair to […]
Brace Yourself. WV and KY are about to join the list of states that “matter”
I’m warning you to brace yourself because I fear we’re heading into the “blue-collared, white male” argument again. Nevermind that Hillary was always going to win these states, and even though Obama may make strides in Kentucky I fully expect HRC to paint herself as the candidate who overcame insurmountable odds to pull off these […]
Hillary camp threatens nuclear option
Okay, a part of me dismissed this threat as bluster, and I ignored it yesterday. But then, today, the Clinton campaign added fuel to the fire… “There is no secret plan…. The Clinton campaign has been vocal in stating that the votes of 2.5 million people must be respected. Hardly a day goes by when […]
Gen-Irrational Gap
My family, like many families, has split along generational lines during this primary season. My brother and I support Obama. Mom and Dad are in Hillary’s camp. However, to be fair, Mom is staying neutral by saying that she likes both candidates. My brother has the luxury of living in California, and, therefore, has not […]
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