Tag: Iraq
Iraq Is Burning

Again. Or, really, it never stopped burning and now there is gas on the fire. You already know that Iraq is under siege, this time by a group called ISIS, which seems to be a coalition of Sunni forces, Baathists, remnants of Al Queda in Iraq, Syrian and other foreign fighters. ISIS has been capturing territory with some ease, and the Kurds are using the chaos to grab back some land they’ve been claiming. Back home, this has been one more occasion for the GOP to rattle their sabers — calling for action in a country who has had plenty of US action. President Obama has said the usual “all options are on the table” except right now it doesn’t look like boots on the ground is an option.
My Cartoon on Meet the Press

I was out shopping for groceries for Mother’s Day Sunday morning when I found out that my cartoon about the death of Osama bin Laden was featured on this week’s “Meet the Press.”
The War Is Over (If Mitt Romney Writes An Op-Ed)
Mitt Romney writes an op-Ed but makes some stupid factual errors.
Huge Wikileaks Document Dump – Fascinating Reading
The website Wikileaks has released a new set of documents, >250,000 diplomatic cables.
Collateral Damage
This video of a helicopter attack on a group of men in Iraq has been obtained by wikileaks. Two reporters for Reuters were killed in the attack, and two children were wounded. The video explains much of what happened. The U.S. helicopter thought that this was a group of insurgents, and mistook the camera equipment […]
Guns For Jesus

A military contractor is writing secret Biblical messages in the weapons going to soldiers. Coded references to New Testament Bible passages about Jesus Christ are inscribed on high-powered rifle sights provided to the United States military by a Michigan company, an ABC News investigation has found. The sights are used by U.S. troops in Iraq […]
Bush’s C.I.A. Hired Blackwater To Be Its Assassination Squad
It’s been a while since we had a new Bush scandal to talk about… The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials. Executives from Blackwater, […]
Bush: ‘Gog and Magog Made Me Do It’
Invade Iraq, that is. And just one more story the MSM didn’t cover: A raging born-again religious fanatic lunatic was President. El Somnambulo cannot make this stuff up. But here’s the sourced inside skinny, starting w/Daily Kos, and continuing with an account from the Council for Secular Humanism: Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French […]
Iraq Sovereignty Day
This is a day a lot of people have been waiting for: U.S. troops are beginning a pull-out of Iraq. Iraqi forces assume formal control of Baghdad and other cities on Tuesday after American troops hand over security in urban areas in a defining step toward ending the U.S. combat role in the country. Fireworks, […]
Cheney: Saddam/Al Qaeda Link? Uh, Never Mind
All the carnage. All the lives destroyed. All the billions shoveled down the rat-hole. All of this based on a lie. A lie that Dick Cheney now admits: June 1 (Bloomberg) — Former Vice President Dick Cheney disavowed intelligence he once cited to suggest that then-Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein collaborated with al-Qaeda to stage the Sept. 11 attacks. Cheney […]
Quote of the Day
Vietnam teaches several lessons, the first of which is that the United States can have normal relations with countries whose political systems and ideologies it rejects. That is as true of Cuba and Iran today as it was of Vietnam or China. — Roger Cohen
McClatchy Papers: Bush Pushed Torture to Find Iraq-Al Qaida Link
A link which, of course, never existed. In other words, Bush/Cheney et al were so intent on getting evidence to justify their misbegotten war in Iraq that they approved torture in order to find it: WASHINGTON — The Bush administration applied relentless pressure on interrogators to use harsh methods on detainees in part to find […]
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