Tag: National Politics
(Neck-)Breaking News: Rasslin’ Invades the Political Arena!

Both locally (oh, yeah, I’ve got pictures) and nationally! This is so cool that I’m fighting the urge to lapse back into the Third Person to tell this story. You may have read that perennial Rethug hack and aparatchik Ron Poliquin has thrown his hat into the ring for the 31st RD seat currently held […]
It’s Official: Sestak Announces Against Specter
No more Scottish Law. No more Single Bullet Theory. No more coronations by political kingpins. Here’s Sestak on the race. The Beast Who Slumbers reiterates his prediction. If it goes to a primary at all (‘bulo still thinks Specter may well retire), it won’t even be close. Sestak easily wins the primary and defeats that […]
‘Talking Points Memo’: Sestak WILL Challenge Specter
El Somnambulo has been waiting for this moment. Democrat-of-the-moment & perennial drama queen Arlen Specter will be challenged by Rep. Joe Sestak in the Democratic primary for Specter’s Senate seat in 2010, according to Talking Points Memo. From TPM, a site serious politicos should be reading on a daily basis: Earlier today, a Sestak volunteer […]
What Should (and Just May) Happen in Pennsylvania
Being out of work has its dubious perks. One of which is unfettered access to television. And that is how El Somnambulo came to watch Arlen Specter’s press conference today. There was a particularly ghoulish and joyless tone to this event. Looking somewhere between feeble and gaunt, Specter called himself ‘full of vim, vigor and […]
No More Electoral College in 2012?
It could happen. The indispensible Nate Silver over at 538.com has posted this article on the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. (‘Bulo aside: Anyone who loves polls and polling analysis must make 538.com essential daily reading. The Beast Who Slumbers suspects that John Tobin takes the blog into the bathroom with him, and that’s as […]
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