Tag: Obama
Newsmax wants a Military Coup over Obama
I mean wow. Just wow. But the right doesn’t insight violence…nahhhhhhh From John L. Perry at Newsmax: There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the Obama problem. Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic. America isn’t the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it […]
Some Not So Random Political Thoughts
Just because I was sedated and sadistically eviscerated during my stint in Third Person Rehab, I still had time in between fevered dreams to think about what was going on locally and nationally. Here are a couple of observations: 1. The seeds to defeat in Saturday’s 37th RD Special Election were sown by Bob Gilligan […]
With the Passing of Kennedy, Time for Obama to Emulate JFK

Though JFK inspired so many of ‘bulo’s generation with his appeal to youthful idealism, people forget that it was Lyndon Baines Johnson who succeeded in passing most of the landmark bills that JFK had proposed, but had not gotten moved through the Congress. Here’s what LBJ did: He resolved to complete Kennedy’s legislative agenda, and […]
Obama Reminds Republicans Of Their Free Enterprise Mantra
This has to hurt. But I guess having your own words used against you never feels good. Why would it drive private insurance out of business? If private insurers say that the marketplace provides the best quality health care; if they tell us that they’re offering a good deal, then why is it that the […]
Joe Klein Speaks The Truth
Via Balloon Juice. To put it as simply as possible, McCain–and his cohorts–are trying to score political points against the President in the midst of an international crisis. It is the sort of behavior that Republicans routinely call “unpatriotic” when Democrats are doing it. I would never question John McCain’s patriotism, no matter how misguided […]
Lunch Break News
You’ve been told a lie – Monsanto and the Agribusiness lobby want you to think chemical farming is vastly superior to organic farming. Organic farming can feed about as many people as chemical farming, and in the developing world, it could feed 80% more. Check out the science. (DKos) Obama leads Republicans by about 20 […]
That Didn’t Take Long
To play the tired PC card. Which, we are already clear, is basically the default position of retreat for those who can’t find rational or civilized arguments for their daily fear and loathing and paranoia. There is simply no attempt to delegitimize political speech from this site. We absolutely welcome it. We do work pretty […]
President Obama Orders Stephen Colbert to Shave His Head
As usual, Colbert is crazy and his guests are good sports. If you hadn’t heard, The Colbert Report is broadcasting from Iraq this week. Make this an Open Thread and tell us what is on your minds. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Obama Orders Stephen’s Haircut – Ray Odierno colbertnation.com Colbert […]
The Family That Paved America’s Way for the Obamas
‘Bulo thinks that, without this family coming into the homes of tens of millions of Americans every week, the embracing of Barack Obama might well have been delayed for many years, and may never have happened at all. The impact of this family, as a positive influence on the black community, as well as on […]
Breaking: Obama to Name Republican Guv as Ambassador to China
If you’re seeking to do away with your potential political rivals, you could do worse than sending them on a long sojourn to China. CNN is reporting that: President Obama has selected Republican Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. to be his ambassador to China, sources tell CNN. Huntsman, who speaks Mandarin Chinese and has adopted […]
Obama Orders EPA to Lead Chessy Bay Cleanup
More proof that elections matter. And great news for one of America’s most endangered waterways. From today’s Washington Post: President Obama took a dramatic step to revive faltering efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay yesterday, issuing an executive order that could empower the federal Environmental Protection Agency to set a more demanding timetable and […]
Deep Media Thought
Today, while you listen to everyone say that Presdient Obama did a great job last night (and he did) , please recall that they all thought Bush’s “there must be some WMD’s around here somewhere” routine was hilarious. The Washington press corps is a bunch of idiots.
More Catholic than the Pope.
I’ve got my differences with his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, but at least I feel he is a consistent man as to placing the utmost value on human life. He opposed the Iraq War as unjust and spoke out about it frequently. He is against the death penalty. He is against stem cell research. And […]
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