Tag: Open Thread
Wednesday Open Thread
Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. What’s on your mind? What can you share with dozens of virtual friends? I love this idea, I wish I could attend – a Kenyan tea party. The Kenyan government is taking on the Tea Partiers head on — hosting a “Real Tea Party” in the Capitol next Tuesday […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s time again for our daily weekday ritual, the open thread. I hope you have plenty to talk about. The perception of the U.S. in world has risen sharply again, for the second year in a row: For the first time since the annual poll began in 2005, America’s influence in the world is now […]
Monday Open Thread
Welcome to your Monday open thread. Are you ready for the week to start? My weekend, once again, felt extremely short. Has someone been messing with my clock? Editing fail! An Australian publisher is reprinting 7,000 cookbooks over a recipe for pasta with “salt and freshly ground black people.” Penguin Group Australia’s head of publishing, […]
Weekend Open Thread
I hope everyone is having a beautiful spring weekend! You shouldn’t be inside looking at your computer, but if you are here’s an open thread to play in. Hooray for sanity in Arkansas! Circuit Judge Chris Piazza ruled today that Act 1, an initiated act approved by voters in 2008 that bans any unmarried person […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s time for a TGIF open thread. Share your thoughts, both deep and shallow with your fellow addicts posters right here. Washington Mutual Bank was the biggest Savings & Loan bank failure in the history of the U.S., with $307B in assets when in failed in September 2008. The Senate is investigating the failure of […]
Thursday Open Thread
Welcome to your Thursday open thread. I know you have a lot of burning ideas that you need to get off your chest and here’s the thread for you to do it. Mitch McConnell has done a lot of media interviews calling the new financial reform bill a permanent taxpayer bailout for banks. I have […]
Wednesday Open Thread
If it’s Wednesday then it’s time for an open thread. Let’s thread! Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship has already demonstrated his contempt for safety and the life of his workers. He’s also a PR disaster and the shareholders of his company want him gone. Shareholders are calling on Massey Energy to seek the immediate resignation […]
Tuesday Open Thread
Hello gloomy Tuesday! What would lift your gloom? How about an open thread? David Gregory thinks fact-checking is for the little people: Critics say that kind of truth telling rarely happens on television. But David Gregory, the moderator of “Meet the Press” on NBC, said that accountability is “in the DNA” of his program. He […]
Monday Open Thread
*Sigh* It’s Monday. I wasn’t quite ready for the weekend to end, but the weekend is always too short. At least it’s time for your open thread, so that means your Monday is already half over! What’s on your mind? George Will admits that conservatives want activist judges. They want the right kind of activist […]
Weekend Open Thread
I hope you’re enjoying your nice spring weekend, now that our taste of summer has gone. Who can keep up with this weather? So now it’s time for a weekend open thread. Come and play! I think you already knew that Glenn Beck was a big phony. He can care less about the people who […]
Friday Open Thread
Welcome to your TGIF open thread. I guess our taste of summer is over today. At least the rain will keep the pollen level down (*crossing fingers*). Massey Energy CEO Don Blakenship really is a monster: Massey’s chief executive officer, Don Blankenship, continued to defend his company’s record and disputed accusations from miners that he […]
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