Tag: Open Thread
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s Wednesday so let’s get this open thread started. What’s on your mind? Haiti has another big aftershock, magnitude 6.1. The most powerful aftershock yet struck Haiti on Wednesday, shaking more rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets eight days after the country’s capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake. […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s Monday and at least some of you get to enjoy a 3-day weekend. The rest of us have to work. So let’s open this thread. The danger of Facebook: Anyone who is tempted to rekindle old romances or start new ones on the internet be warned: Facebook is now being cited in almost 20 […]
Weekend Open Thread
It’s time for your open thread. Hopefully this will be enough to tide you through the weekend. Satan writes a letter to Pat Robertson: Dear Pat Robertson, I know that you know that all press is good press, so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean bully who kicks […]
Friday Open Thread
TGIF! It’s a planet-wide edition of your open thread. Jim Inhofe declares himself #1! Inhofe suffered his latest indignity at the hands of Rolling Stone, which awarded him the 7th spot on its list of the “planet’s worst enemies.” Inhofe took this as a slight. “I should have been number one,” he told KFAQ radio […]
Thursday Open Thread
Open thread time! Because Katrina response was so great: According to multiple sources, Obama last night called George W. Bush and formally asked him to participate, along with Bill Clinton, in humanitarian relief efforts for Haiti — in the same vein that Bush’s father and Clinton did following the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. Bush […]
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s Wednesday and today’s open thread has a theme: polling. A new poll by CNN shows that Americans are in line with Obama’s political ideology. Even in most generic poll question imaginable, teabaggers are not the majority (CNN, Jan. 8-10, +/- 3%): In general, would you say that President Obama’s views and proposed programs for […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday and it’s open thread time. Today’s open thread has a theme: humor. I’ll give you two examples. Example #1, from Daily Kos, the new presidential timeline: According to Rudy Giuliani, Mary Matalin, and Dana Perino: 1/20/1993 to 1/20/2001: Bill Clinton 1/20/2001 to 9/10/2001: George W Bush 9/11/2001: Bill Clinton 9/12/01 to 12/21/2001: George […]
Monday Open Thread
Well, it’s Monday much to my dismay. Why do the weekends go so fast? Let’s get started with an open thread. For all those Republicans bashing Harry Reid try to remember the difference between his remarks and those of Trent Lott. Trent Lott said the following, at the 100th birthday celebration of Strom Thurmond: When […]
Weekend Open Thread

It’s the weekend and I hope you’re enjoying it. I’m getting a new dishwasher installed today. I can’t wait! So let’s start this open thread. Michael Steele is in quite a bit of trouble. He wrote a book but forgot to let the party know he was doing it. It’s his 12-step plan for Republicans […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s Friday and it’s open thread time. Let me congratulate BCS champion Alabama for kicking Texas’s freshman quarterback around. Alabama was probably the best team but who knows how they would have played against Boise State. If only there was a way of determining who was really the best team… Let’s start with some good […]
Thursday Open Thread
It’s Thursday and it’s open thread time. Where did I put my needle? The good Chris Matthews was out yesterday and he asked a Republican strategist a trick question – what have Republicans done for us in the last 20 years? It didn’t seem like an unreasonable question. Harris’ goal was to make the case […]
Wednesday Open Thread
I guess one good thing I can say about this week is that it’s moving quickly. It’s already time for an open thread! Tell us your deepest feelings, we’ll keep it just between us. Republicans, you stay classy! Nick Ayers, the executive director of the Republican Governors Association, tweeted a series of jokes this morning […]
Tuesday Open Thread

It’s Tuesday and you should all be back into your regular routine again, right? It’s time for your open thread, time to chat about whatever you want. Are you cold? Blame the Arctic Oscillation. The NYT environment blog DotEarth has the story. Look at this graph: A big driver of the outbreaks of record cold […]
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