Tag: Open Thread
Monday Open Thread
I hate Mondays. I overslept this morning because I forgot to set my alarm. I love the internet though. Parody moves at the speed of light. Remember the Conservapedia Conservative Bible Project? Well, now we have the LOLCat Bible Project. Or perhaps, the Conservative Bible Project is a parody of the LOLCat Bible Project? Blessinz […]
Weekend Open Thread
What’s on your mind? Your Open Thread conversation starter for the weekend is some polling on health care. This time, it’s polling of voter attitudes towards both parties in the health care debate. The polling is showing that the GOP is being seen as the party of no. * A Democracy Corps survey conducted in […]
Friday Open Thread
Are you ready for the weekend? I am! Here’s some thoughts to get you started: NASA bombs the moon! Why didn’t Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama save the moon? Huh? At 4:31 a.m. Pacific time (7:31 a.m. Eastern time), one piece of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite — LCROSS, for short — […]
Thursday Open Thread
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Last week we brought you the story of National Review writer John Derbyshire, who has written a whole chapter in his new book about how women should not have the right to vote. He’s definitely not backing off in his contention and now he’s explaining his logic further – women don’t vote […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Spill it. If you have time, you really should read this article on California. (I’m not sure why a British newspaper is writing this article, where are the U.S. papers on this?) Is California’s economic crisis so big that it needs a bailout? But the state that was once held up as the epitome of […]
Tuesday Open Thread
Babble away. Remember last week when we discussed the growing Becklash? Well, Media Matters is documenting and there’s been a lot more piling on since last week.
Monday Open Thread
Here is your open thread to talk about whatever is on your mind. Chat away. Here’s a story to give you some thoughts – Texas Governor Rick Perry’s cover-up of the execution of an innocent man. The man’s name was Cameron Todd Willingham. I can’t really do justice to the heartbreaking story, but here’s a […]
Weekend Open Thread
What are you doing this weekend? Here’s something interesting, the 2009 Ig Nobel prizes. The Ig Nobels are given by the satirical magazine The Annals of Improbable Research (I’ve told you before that scientist are weird), which is affiliated with Harvard University. The ceremonies are quite funny, with real Nobel laureates handing out the prizes. […]
Friday Open Thread
The weekend starts in only 5 hours! Have you been feeling anything different these days? Rachel Maddow uncovered the reason – it’s the Liberty Council’s (affiliated with Falwell’s Liberty University) “Adopt a Liberal” program. Since the landmark 2008 general election, there can be no doubt that a very large percentage of our Nation’s leaders have […]
Thursday Open Thread
Remember – this is your daily open thread. You can talk about whatever interests you or you can talk about the article featured below. The sky’s the limit! It’s another Sarah Palin version of your open thread. Poor Sarah is having trouble getting booked on the lecture circuit: Palin’s bookers are said to be asking […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Wednesday version of your open thread. Today we see Tom DeLay dancing the tango. I’ll say this – it’s slightly better than last week but still pretty terrible.
Tuesday Open Thread
Save this date – November 17. It’s the day that Sarah Palin’s memoir Going Rogue (clever title) is due to hit the shelves. She and her ghostwriter finished in only 4 months. The 400-page book is the first for Palin, who has been an object of fascination since Republican Sen. John McCain chose her as […]
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