Tag: Open Thread
Monday Open Thread
OK admit it – how many people’s brains are still working in weekend mode? Chat away. Here’s something that caught my attention: A new 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair Poll was released late yesterday, with a variety of quirky questions. CBS News described the poll as intended to be “topical, fun, amusing, illuminating and most importantly, interesting.” […]
Weekend Open Thread

A hidden treasure version of your open thread for your weekend. An unemployed amateur treasure hunter found the largest find of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever found. Amazing photos at the link! Full story I would totally wear that! This is totally cool. There’s a website called The Museum of Animal Perspectives. Here’s the armadillo cam:
Friday Open Thread
TGIF! Here is a good way to start your weekend – a hilarious post called the “Balloon Juice Lexicon.” It’s really a dictionary of sorts of leftie blogosphere terms, some specific to Balloon Juice. Here’s a couple of my favorites: Center-right nation – A frequent refrain among right-leaning commenters that successfully penetrated mainstream opinion leaders […]
Thursday Open Thread
Talk about whatever is knocking around in your head. Here’s one thing that is knocking around in my head, but it’s more of a WTF. Chuck Norris wants you to desecrate a flag: As 9/12 concluded, we all heard many ways to keep this revolutionary movement going. But I was sitting back thinking there’s one […]
Wednesday Open Thread

A science-y version of your open thread today. Swine flu, yikes! We are already close to the number of cases as we normally have during the peak of flu season and we haven’t even entered the official flu season yet. (The red line is the current flu season and 98% of cases are H1N1 right […]
Tuesday Open Thread
I know you’ve all been waiting to see this (or at least I have). I present to you Tom DeLay “Wild Thing.” His dance didn’t score very well, so I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be on the show. This may be our only opportunity! Updated: now with new video link!
Monday Open Thread
What’s on your mind? I’ll start – this story caught my attention – Tom Coburn’s chief of staff spoke about “The New Masculinity” at the Value Voters Conference: Schwartz then recalled “a very good friend” of his “who was in the homosexual lifestyle for a long time,” saying that he “had good conversations about, about […]
Friday Open Thread
Put your brain droppings here. My WTF of the day: Bill O’Reilly supports the public option?
Thursday Open Thread
It’s open thread time – let’s throw the floor open. Put your comments, links and topics on your mind right here. Let me do a follow-up to yesterday’s Open Thread discussion. The judge issued a judgment in the birther case from yesterday, and was quite critical of Ms. Taitz. He called her case frivolous and […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Discuss away! I’ll throw out another conversation starter – Birther Queen Orly Taitz is in the news again. This time she’s trying to stop another deployment (someone who got the U.S. government to pay for their medical school and now wants to get out of their commitment). Anyway, Taitz comes off as completely clueless, especially […]
Tuesday Open Thread
Get your discussion on right here. Let me add some food for thought. Two posts just appeared about the new rise of Ayn Rand: Sociopathy on the Right: Ayn Rand and the Triumph of Conservative Cultism No Compassion Do you all think this may have something to do with the outbreak of extreme rudeness we’ve […]
Monday Open Thread
I’m super busy this morning, but use this thread to chat away. Remember, nothing is off-topic in an open thread!
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