Tag: phillies
Tornoe’s Toons: Phillies Pitching

Cole Hamels may have had 10 strikeouts last night, but is he on the right track, or just suffering the up-and-downs that have plagued him over the last couple of seasons?
2008-2009 Phillies: Best Philly Sports Team Ever?
Should they win their second consecutive World Series, I’d say absolutely yes. Certainly the only team in the modern era to rival these Phils would be the Broad Street Bullies, who won consecutive Stanley Cups in the early to mid-seventies. Who else would even be on the list? The Steve Van Buren-era Eagles? Pro football […]
Phillies Drop Three to Orioles…but are they losers?
If not for a horrible call in the eighth in which Rollins was called out when the first baseman CLEARLY missed the tag, the Phils could have won. And yet, they didn’t seem very live to me. I’m no expert, but Baltimore was able to poke out the base hits and advance the baserunner when […]
Thursday’s Open Thread

As I get ready to visit an old rat whose fondness of children is too Jacksonesque for my taste and his friend, a mumbling duck who is a bit too comfortable with his sexuality, I present to you Thursday’s Open Thread. In case you didn’t stop by Delaware Liberal yesterday, you missed us taking down […]
The Curse of Billy Penn Makes It’s Last Stand
You knew this wasn’t going to be easy. The Phils are but a few innings from winning the World Series and destiny is battling the Curse of William Penn. For those of you not from around here, there is a statue of William Penn on the top of Philadelphia City Hall. For decades, the rule […]
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