Tag: Republican Bamboozlement

Are Republicans Purposely Sabotaging The U.S.?

Filed in National by on November 22, 2010 31 Comments

Could Republicans sabotage the nation on purpose for electoral gain?

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The Hypocrisy, It Burns

Filed in National by on November 16, 2010 9 Comments

Anti-“Obamacare” newly-elected GOP Congressman Andy Harris threw a tantrum because his government-sponsored healthcare didn’t kick in until Feb. 1. He demanded a government option to cover the gap.

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In Which We Find the CRI Making Stuff Up Again To Try To Scare People

Filed in National by on November 14, 2010 31 Comments

Seriously — they are actually PAYING money for their bullshit. And the new bullshit is today’s amateurish hand-wringing about Delaware’s debt situation and how apparently this is supposed to be a sword of Damocles for state Democrats by the CRI’s resident economist. An economist who apparently aspires to be the local version of the Laffer curve guy.

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Details Are For Elitists!

Filed in National by on October 19, 2010 7 Comments

This awesome video features the political model (and likely the future fake husband of) Christine O’Donnell. Actually, this is probably the model for all of the crop of teajadis and wannabe teajadis out there:

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Yet Another Republican Talking Point Proved False

Filed in National by on September 2, 2010 12 Comments

Another Republican talking point is proven false – illegal immigration has dropped dramatically in the last decade.

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Must Read of the Day: Reagan’s Chickens Have Come Home To Roost

Filed in National by on August 23, 2010 12 Comments

Will Bunch has posted on his blog today this killer post: Jobless America: Reagan’s Chickens Have Come Home To Roost. If there is only one thing that you read today, make this it. And be sure to read the links too.

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Born-Again Deficit Hawks

Filed in National by on July 14, 2010 12 Comments

Matt Yglesias shows that there is zero historical evidence that Republicans care about deficits.

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I Call Shenanigans

Filed in National by on June 28, 2010 18 Comments

An essay supposedly written by an 11-year-old boy details the horrible discrimination he’s faced since pre-school.

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That’s Gonna Leave a Mark, Part II

Filed in National by on June 22, 2010 4 Comments

The DNC — as rumored — does seem to be interested in using the Barton apology (and all of the other apologies and defenses from the GOP) to highlight how the GOP would govern:

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Colin Bonini Still Thinks Governing is a Stunt

Filed in National by on June 15, 2010 29 Comments

So here we have another episode of the Delaware Republican party — the Supposed to Be Governing Division — putting out news and PR bait in form of silly bills rather than actually working at the State’s problems. In other words, its reruns from these people again.

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The Right on the Verge of Another Defeat in the Culture War

Filed in National by on June 6, 2010 29 Comments
The Right on the Verge of Another Defeat in the Culture War

NYT columnist Charles Blow points us to an eye-popping new survey by the Gallup organization, a survey that shows new and convincing majorities of Americans who no longer hold moral objections to gay and lesbian people. This is what a specific piece of bigotry losing its power looks like:

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Sunday Rand Paul — What’s Going On

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010 21 Comments

Bet this guy is topic number one of most of the Sunday yak shows. If anything good happens or gets said, let us know here. Check out this fantastic video first, though:

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Another Wingnut Conspiracy Smackdown

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010 1 Comment

The usual repub blog suspects picked and ran with an item from The American Spectator which purported to have a bit of “news” about the HHS having information (in the form of a report from the Office of the Actuary for Medicare) in advance of the ACA bill vote that would indicate that medical costs would rise. The usual right-wing purveyors of wrong went to town with this, of course. (John Cole at Balloon Juice has the screenshot of Google showing how focused the spread of this kind of stuff is among the usual GOP suspects.)

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