Tag: Republican Crazy

First Rule of Marketing: Know Your Audience

Filed in National by on March 4, 2010 2 Comments
First Rule of Marketing: Know Your Audience

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Dispatches From the GOP Braintrust

Filed in National by on March 2, 2010 6 Comments

Michael Zak, a blogger at Big Government (one of Andrew Breitbart’s sites) compares ACORN to the KKK: ACORN does indeed operate like the Mafia, but it more closely resembles another organization that began as an affiliate of the Democratic Party, the Ku Klux Klan. Aside from intimidating some bank executives, ACORN does not engage in […]

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The Right Continues To Embrace Terrorists

Filed in National by on February 23, 2010 29 Comments

Do you remember Prof. Ward Churchill? In January 2005, Churchill’s work attracted publicity because of the widespread circulation of a 2001 essay, “On the Justice of Roosting Chickens”. In the essay, he claimed that the September 11, 2001 attacks were a natural and unavoidable consequence of what he views as unlawful US policy, and he […]

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VA GOP Legislator: Disabled Children Are God’s Punishment

Filed in National by on February 22, 2010 10 Comments

The rhetoric of anti-abortion groups is often a bit incoherent. They believe that children are both blessings and punishment.This statement was particularly vile: State Delegate Bob Marshall of Manassas says disabled children are God’s punishment to women who have aborted their first pregnancy. He made that statement Thursday at a press conference to oppose state […]

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Mt. Vernon Statement

Filed in National by on February 18, 2010 24 Comments

Conservatives had an event for the launch of the CPAC conference where they unveiled a new document called the “Mt. Vernon Statement.” This is a statement of conservative principles that they expect all Republicans to sign. The Mount Vernon Statement Constitutional Conservatism: A Statement for the 21st Century We recommit ourselves to the ideas of […]

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CPAC Childish Behavior Separates the Boys from the Girls

Filed in National by on February 17, 2010 16 Comments

Aren’t they adorable! The Washington Scene reports that this year’s CPAC will prominently feature a Nancy Pelosi piñata and a Harry Reid punching bag for guests to take turns beating Boringly predictable, but I simply adored this next line – because it says so much! “We’re hoping to have the females whack the piñata and […]

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It Was Only A Matter Of Time

Filed in National by on February 16, 2010 12 Comments
It Was Only A Matter Of Time

Before we started seeing this: Out of curiosity, on what grounds would one impeach Obama?  Also, love the fact that the sponsors remained anonymous.  Cowards.

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Funny Friday

Filed in National by on February 12, 2010 18 Comments
Funny Friday

Guess I’m just in a mood today, but this made me LOL! Edukashun fale. Spelling is not the Right’s strong suit.  Very embarrassing.

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Filed in National by on February 11, 2010 8 Comments

On Joy Behar’s CNN show, she had a round table to discuss Sarah Palin’s speech at the Tea Party Nation convention. On the panel were Stephanie Miller, Ron Reagan and an unhinged rightwing nutcase Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs). Geller is completely unhinged claiming that Palin didn’t quit her job as governor, she answered the call […]

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Things Are Tough All Over

Filed in National by on February 6, 2010 2 Comments

Michael Steele and Harold Ford have a tour where they go around debating each other (don’t ask me why). During one of these appearances Michael Steele reflected on the plight of the common man: The two often traded jokes, especially when Steele panned President Barack Obama’s long-stated plan to let income tax rates return to […]

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The RNC Explains The Political Gender Gap

Filed in National by on February 2, 2010 15 Comments

The RNC has a plan on how to recruit women candidates: “Women sometimes need a little more handholding, or they need their friends to help them make a decision. And by our going in and talking to them and recruiting and educating and training them to either get involved in a campaign or become a […]

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Republican Idiocy, Continued

Filed in National by on February 2, 2010 123 Comments

Yesterday pandora posted about the preliminary release of the R2K/dKos poll of Republicans. Today the full poll was released (full results). There are some disturbing results: GAYS Should openly gay men and women be allowed to serve in the military? Yes 26 No 55 Not Sure 19 Should same sex couples be allowed to marry? […]

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The Party Of Old Ideas

Filed in National by on February 2, 2010 46 Comments

You have to give it to the Republicans. They aren’t really the Party of No, they are the Party of Old Ideas. Just one year after the spectacular failure of conservative governance, the GOP is ready to recycle its worst ideas: In the name of deficit reduction, House Republicans are going back to the Social […]

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