Tag: Republican Crazy

Republican Idiocy

Filed in National by on February 1, 2010 21 Comments

Wondering what the Republican base looks like… Via TPM, Via Kos on Twitter: A new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll, conducted among 2,000 self-identified Republican respondents nationwide, gives an interesting peek into the psyche of the minority party’s base. • 39% of Republicans want President Obama to be impeached. • 63% think Obama is a socialist. […]

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Smell The Bipartisanship

Filed in National by on January 26, 2010 9 Comments

Republicans haven’t changed much from the Bush administration. Bipartisan to them still means that Democrats adopt Republican ideas: Last week, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) “made it clear that the only starting point for bipartisan compromise would be for Dems to drop their health care plan and embrace the GOP one.” Senate Minority Leader […]

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I Was Wrong: Republicans Do Have New Ideas

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010 2 Comments

Marco Rubio is the Republican Senate candidate in Florida who is cleaning Crist’s clock. He’s a darling to the Tea Party/Club for Growth set. He proposed an interesting idea for fixing the economy – suspend Congress. Last night on CNBC, Marco Rubio, a right-wing Republican running for US Senate in Florida, told host Larry Kudlow […]

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“They” Are Coming After “Us”

Filed in National by on January 6, 2010 7 Comments

I realize, given the build up to the Exorcist-like music, that I’m supposed to take this video very, very seriously.  So why can’t I stop laughing? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZs8k4pJcyk[/youtube] Oh, the drama!  Oh, the horror!  And… Oh, the typical threatening language and name calling. These constant Armageddon scenarios are beginning to remind me of the crazy guy […]

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From The Department Of Karma

Filed in National by on January 4, 2010 2 Comments

This weekend the Minnesota Star Tribune wrote an editorial calling on Minnesotans to fill out their census forms. Minnesota is in danger of losing a Congressional district in 2010. Guess who’s district is mostly likely to disappear – none other than anti-census nut Michele Bachmann: The Star-Tribune says in its editorial over the weekend: It’s […]

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2009: The Year in Right Wing Buffoons, Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes and All-Around Idiots

Filed in National by on January 3, 2010 1 Comment

That is the title of this blog post from Ron Reagan’s Air America blog. I never get to to hear Ron Regan’s show, but he can be very good of even pretty wonky topics. So it was fun to hear him have on at the expense of wingnut buffoonery this past year.

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Fearmongering = $$$

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 30, 2009 3 Comments

Republicans have been jumping on the bandwagon to criticize President Obama because of the failed terror attack on Christmas Day. Some have been using the incident for fundraising, look at Rep. Pete Hoekstra (who is running for governor of Michigan): They just don’t get it. The system didn’t “work” here. Far from it! It is […]

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Filed in International, National by on December 28, 2009 1 Comment

In general I stay away from Politico as it is the TMZ of political journalism, but it has stayed in my news reader for some reason. And today I learned why. There’s a short little article about the top 10 political tweets of 2009. Here is one from the Iranian Student protests: It was a […]

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Republicans Get Their Stoopid On

Filed in National by on December 27, 2009 5 Comments

Part One: Many of you probably heard about the attempted terrorist attack on an airplane landing in Detroit, but what you might not have heard about was Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra’s recent inanity. (h/t Eschaton) “It’s not surprising,” U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, a Holland Republican, said of the alleged terrorist attempt to blow up a […]

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Bearly Political

Filed in National by on December 26, 2009 5 Comments

Nothing much the Teabaggers say or do these days really surprises me anymore. Their actions and words open up glimpses into their thought processes which is always intriguing albeit a touch scary sometimes. The latest teabagging episode was they got in an uproar over Build-a-Bear’s webisodes about globally warming. The LA Times writes: Conservative bloggers […]

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Anybody Not See This Coming?

Filed in National by on December 10, 2009 15 Comments

Via Think Progress: In an interview with National Review today, DeMint said that the tea parties should no longer be thought of as “separate” from the Republican Party: “The GOP leadership needs to stand up for mainstream American principles,” says DeMint. The best way to do that, he says, is to “look to the great […]

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Republicans Heading To Copenhagen To… I Have No Idea

Filed in National by on December 9, 2009 33 Comments

Has anything like this ever happened before? House Republicans are preparing for a trip to Copenhagen and looking to derail Democratic efforts to negotiate an international climate agreement. About a half-dozen Republicans will make the trip to Denmark to oppose plans for cap-and-trade legislation, express their discontent with the scientific community that researches climate change […]

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Conservatives: Reclaim Teabagger!

Filed in National by on December 4, 2009 11 Comments

NRO wrote an article that may be unsnarkable. Jay Nordlinger documents the use of the word “teabagger” to describe the rightwing activists. To “teabag” or not to “teabag”: That is not the most pressing question of these times, but it is a question to consider. Routinely, conservative protesters in the “tea party” movement are called […]

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