Tag: Republican Crazy

Dispatches From An Alternate Reality

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009 1 Comment

Sean Hannity thinks George W. Bush deserves the Nobel Peace Prize War = peace Glenn Beck equates criticism of Fox News with the treatment of the Jewish people by Hitler. Seriously. BECK: When they’re done with Fox, and you decide to speak out on something. The old, “first they came for the Jews, and I […]

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Republicans Want To Get Government Out Of Our Lives*

Filed in National by on October 13, 2009 19 Comments

*exceptions may apply Oklahoma is perhaps the wingnuttiest state in the union. This is the state that has elected geniuses like James Inhofe and Tom Coburn to the U.S. Senate. So, it’s probably no surprise that Oklahoma is leading the way in finding new ways to shame and punish women who have unapproved sex. On […]

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Weekend Fluffernutter* Round-Up

Filed in National by on October 10, 2009 3 Comments

*h/t Progressive Mom for the term The wingnuts were very busy this week. First, let’s talk about former** head of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh is going to serve as one of the judges for the 2010 Miss America pageant. I’m sure the contestants are thrilled that a man with a history of […]

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Filed in National by on October 8, 2009 2 Comments

Bwahahahahaha! *breathe* bwahahahahahaha! Conservative bloggers are so silly. They got punked by Bill Ayers (as proved by our very own troll, RICO, in yesterday’s Open Thread). Here’s what happened: A conservative blogger by the name of Anne Leary ran into Ayers buying coffee in an airport. Recognizing him, she started talking to him in what […]

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Republican Outreach Fail!

Filed in National by on October 7, 2009 2 Comments

The NRCC apparently had a banner day in their communications department yesterday. The NRCC has decided to make Nancy Pelosi their target for the elections and sent out this email: NRCC communications director Ken Spain, quoted in the fundraising email: “”Nancy Pelosi continues to make party politics a higher priority than our national security. Rather […]

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Michael Steele Vs. Everyone

Filed in National by on October 6, 2009 1 Comment

Michael Steele is not having a good month. Yesterday, Steele had some words about the American Medical Association: Eric Zimmermann reports that the Republican National Committee has decided it no longer likes the American Medical Association. Michael Steele took a shot at the American Medical Association (AMA) today, saying the organization doesn’t have “credibility” on […]

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The Conservative Bible Project

Filed in National by on October 6, 2009 17 Comments

Did you know that the Bible had a liberal bias? The brainiacs at Conservapedia want to do something about that. (If you’ve never heard of Conservapedia, it’s Andrew Schlafly’s answer to Wikipedia, which has a liberal bias according to him.) They are starting the Conservative Bible Project where they will re-translate the King James Version […]

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More Republican Patriotism

Filed in National by on October 4, 2009 9 Comments

I think a lot of us were stunned yesterday not by Chicago losing their Olympic bid, but at the glee to which the right reacted to the news. If we examine the record, should we really be surprised? It started on January 20 with Rush Limbaugh’s “I hope he fails,” which was echoed approvingly by […]

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Conservative Id

Filed in National by on September 30, 2009 22 Comments

This is becoming depressingly standard by now. Another wingnut columnist, John L. Perry, lets loose his inner rebellion fantasy in the pages of Newsmax. There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic. America isn’t the Third World. If […]

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Glenn Beck’s Ten Worst List

Filed in National by on September 29, 2009 14 Comments

Glenn Beck is obviously a deep thinker. In his new book, Arguing With Himself Idiots he furiously whacks at strawmen, teaching the “idiot” about what the founders really meant. September 22 brought us the release of Beck’s second book of 2009, the ironically titled Arguing with Idiots. In it, Beck is engaged in an ongoing […]

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A Conservative Becklash?

Filed in National by on September 25, 2009 30 Comments

Is there a backlash brewing against Glenn Beck by other conservatives? Steve Benen documents the details: On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough blasted Beck, and argued that the Fox News personality may be fomenting violence. “You cannot preach hatred,” Scarborough said. “You cannot say the president is racist. You cannot say things that have very deadly […]

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Why Republicans Should NEVER Be Taken Seriously

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009 20 Comments

Because it’s all a big joke.  Imagine pulling a stunt like this in the private sector. 497Hatch F7 Add transition relief for the excise tax on high cost insurance plans for any State with a name the begins with the letter “U” Glad he finds health care funny.  Republicans don’t deserve a seat at any […]

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A Conservative Calls Out Other Conservatives For Race-Baiting

Filed in National by on September 16, 2009 14 Comments

So, is a backlash finally starting to happen? Rod Dreher, a conservative columnist, has called out Rush Limbaugh for his inflammatory rhetoric. But first, a little background. Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh discussed a story about a white student beaten on a school bus by a black student, blaming it on President Obama: Rush Limbaugh weighed in […]

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