Tag: Republican Crazy

Can You Spot The Error?

Filed in National by on June 26, 2009 18 Comments

Someone will put the answer in comments. See if you can answer the question before clicking the comments. Here’s a new fundraising pitch by South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, conservative defender of the Constitution: I believe the only way to take back our freedom is to return to the constitutional principles our founding fathers promised […]

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How Did That Anti-Sotomayor Campaign Work Out?

Filed in National by on June 23, 2009 14 Comments

The Republicans already admitted that the Sotomayor nomination fight has failed to inspire the donations they expected. Now some polling has shown how much their over-the-top crazy rhetoric has hurt their standing with Latinos. Favorability of Republican Party among Latinos May 18-21 (before the Sotomayor nomination) Favorable 11 Unfavorable 79 No Opinion 10 June 15-18 […]

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They Are Losing Their Minds

Filed in National by on June 19, 2009 96 Comments

They are crazy. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has now signed up with the Birther cause — the people who think Barack Obama isn’t a natural-born citizen and should be required to produce a birth certificate (which he already did, anyway) — World Net Daily reports. Is this all they have?  Looks like it.  The 21% […]

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Even The Cato Institute Laughs At Republicans

Filed in National by on June 19, 2009 12 Comments

I love the title of this post “If You Call Obama ‘Socialist’ Then the House GOP Is 99% Socialist.” As I note in a recent New York Post op-ed Republicans are fond of implying that President Obama is a big-spending socialist. But the House GOP recently offered a spending cut plan that was able to […]

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Dispatch From An Alternate Reality #3

Filed in National by on June 18, 2009 7 Comments

Republicans have really taken the solidarity with the people of Iran a little too far. From the #twitter fail files: Rep. John Culberson (R-TX) tweeted: Good to see Iranian people move mountains w social media, shining sunlight on their repressive govt – Texans support their bid for freedom Oppressed minorities include House Repubs: We are […]

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Dispatch From An Alternate Reality #2

Filed in National by on June 13, 2009 11 Comments

As we highlighted earlier in the week, Shepard Smith called out Fox News viewers after the murder of security guard Stephen Johns. Instead of taking time to think about what Smith said and admitting that the DHS report was perhaps correct, the reaction by the right wing has been predictably furious (from Media Matters): During […]

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Filed in National by on June 12, 2009 8 Comments

Whatever happened to Joe the Plumber? I miss his deep thoughts on the issues of the day. 😈

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Dispatch From An Alternate Reality

Filed in National by on June 11, 2009 8 Comments

How about this for a follow up to Cassandra’s post “How You Make A Trillion Dollar Deficit” – here is Karl Rove from an interview with Greta Von Susteren. “This is a cosmetic gesture. This guy is going to run up a $1.8 trillion deficit. That’s what it’s projected to be this year,” Rove complained. […]

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Beck In The Saddle

Filed in National by on June 8, 2009 0 Comments

Another really funny video from Andy Cobb. In this one, we get an excerpt from Glenn Beck’s mind, and it’s a scary place. We’ve seen several from him already, like “Regulation Vacation” and “Teabag Party.” To watch more videos, his YouTube channel is here.

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National Lampoon’s Citizen’s Grand Juries

Filed in National by on June 3, 2009 25 Comments
National Lampoon’s Citizen’s Grand Juries

GTF Outta Here! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mAGfunfpNU[/youtube] I’m going to get a citizen’s grand jury together to investigate the fact that this guy is wearing sneakers with a suit.

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Today in GOP Minority Outreach

Filed in National by on June 3, 2009 25 Comments

Story #1 Manuel Miranda is a former GOP Congressional staffer (who was involved in a scandal stealing information off of computers of the Democratic caucus) who is leading a conservative group pressuring Republican senators to filibuster Sonia Sotomayor. (Yes, this Manuel Miranda.) He spoke in front of the Heritage Foundation and said the following: “Hispanic […]

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Late Night Video: Young Conservative Anthem

Filed in National by on May 30, 2009 15 Comments

Apparently, this is supposed to be serious. Is this supposed to attract young people to the party? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkeZ2P4SiY8&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] Truthfully, I couldn’t even get through the whole thing because the gestures were distracting me.

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This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Filed in National by on May 30, 2009 18 Comments

Republicans, fight among yourselves. First, we have Newt Gingrich tweeting from Auschwitz that Sotomayor is a racist. And former Congressman Tom Tancredo doubles down by calling La Raza equivalent to the KKK. Senator John Cornyn is obviously worried about the perception that the war on Sotomayor will take down the entire Republican party, saying this: […]

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