Tag: Republicans

The Republican Dream

Filed in National by on August 23, 2010 11 Comments

They really need to own this: Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) on Sunday said lawmakers who have not signed onto Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan to balance the budget lacked “courage” and could be targeted by the conservative tea party movement as a result. Armey’s comments on NBC’s “Meet the Press” came just moments […]

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Words Are Made to Bend

Filed in National by on July 31, 2010 3 Comments
Words Are Made to Bend

When the Overton Window turns into the Overton Wall

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Hell, Yeah!

Filed in National by on July 30, 2010 7 Comments
Hell, Yeah!

Representative Anthony Weiner calls out Republican cowards as the GOP denies health coverage to American heroes.

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More Like This, Please

Filed in National by on June 22, 2010 8 Comments

The DNC has released a new ad trying Joe Barton and other BP apologists to the Republican party governing philosophy.

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Time To Rethink Party Switches?

Filed in National by on June 2, 2010 18 Comments
Time To Rethink Party Switches?

Two prominent party switchers have gone down to defeat in this election cycle. Republican turned Democrat Arlen Specter was upset by Joe Sestak in the PA-Sen primary and last night Democrat turned Republican Parker Griffith was defeated in the AL-05 Republican primary by Mo Brooks (decisively enough in a 3-way race that no runoff will be needed).

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Best Damn Concern Trolls In The Business*

Filed in National by on May 28, 2010 3 Comments

The national media finally starts to notice that the Tea Party is hurting Republicans more than helping them.

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Republican Convention Today

Filed in National by on May 15, 2010 17 Comments

You are to be forgiven if you have no idea that the Republicans are meeting today to give out party endorsements.  I have only really seen it discussed on the blogs on the other side of the political spectrum.  But the comments section of those threads have been highly entertaining. The local tea partiers like […]

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God Wants Glenn Urquhart to Win

Filed in National by on May 11, 2010 18 Comments

I guess because his first name starts with the letter “G” too, or something. But Bill Colley speaking for God is not the story. The story is that WGMD talkshow host and blogger Bill Colley apparently is now a bought and paid for shill for the Glenn Urquhart campaign.

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Republican policies in 3 words

Filed in National by on May 11, 2010 20 Comments

Republican Energy Policy: Spill, Baby, Spill! Republican Regulatory Policy: For Bedrooms Only Republican Finance Policy: Crash and Bubble Republican Foreign Policy: Loot and Holler Republican Education Policy: Cash for Flunkers Republican Tax Policy: Big Billionaire Bonanza Think up some more in the comments.

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What Are Republicans Trying to Achieve on FinReg?

Filed in National by on May 3, 2010 4 Comments

I know this isn’t as exciting as burning terror cars or oiled-up shrimping grounds, but here’s a few words about Financial Reform. Late last Wednesday night, as Senate Democrats were threatening to pull out the cots and force Republicans to stay all night to actively filibuster Chris Dodd’s Financial Regulation Reform bill, Republicans finally relented and […]

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The GOP FinReg Proposal — A Good Sign or Bad?

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010 12 Comments

Last night, Republicans released their counter-proposal to Chris Dodd’s Financial Reform Bill (full text here). I don’t claim to have read either in its entirety, but the general consensus seems to be that they are not all that fundamentally different. Annie Lowrey of the Washington Independent has a good comparison of the two proposals. Here […]

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Immigration Reform and Outing A Senator

Filed in National by on April 21, 2010 26 Comments

Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to title this post since the subject matter doesn’t exactly flow.  But it seems that the immigration debate has taken a turn… William Gheen, head of the conservative, anti-“amnesty,” anti-illegal immigration group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), spoke at a Greenville, S.C. Tea Party rally this weekend and called […]

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Teabagger Round-Up

Filed in National by on April 15, 2010 5 Comments

There seems to be a lot of news about the teabaggers lately, probably because today is their big protest day. A new survey of Tea Party supporters found they are older, whiter, more male and more likely to call themselves “angry” than other Americans. Their political beliefs aren’t even internally consistent: Their responses are like […]

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