Tag: Republicans

Sunday Funnies

Filed in National by on August 30, 2009 1 Comment
Sunday Funnies

Some Sunday comics for your amusement.

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Voinovich On The GOP

Filed in National by on July 28, 2009 4 Comments

Retiring Ohio Senator George Voinovich diagnoses the GOP’s problem.

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Science Explains The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

Filed in Science and Health by on July 19, 2009 10 Comments

I would like to point you to this really interesting article at Gawker of all places, called Scientists Explain Why People Vote For Republicans. The tone of the article is funny and tongue-in-cheek but it points to three real scientific studies, discussed below. The first was a study by John Alford and published in the […]

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Obama Reminds Republicans Of Their Free Enterprise Mantra

Filed in National by on June 23, 2009 38 Comments

This has to hurt.  But I guess having your own words used against you never feels good. Why would it drive private insurance out of business? If private insurers say that the marketplace provides the best quality health care; if they tell us that they’re offering a good deal, then why is it that the […]

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Republicans Expand War Against Sotomayor To Latinos

Filed in National by on May 29, 2009 35 Comments

What in the world are they doing?  How exactly do Republicans think that expanding the fight against Sotomayor to include La Raza is a winning strategy? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZgtxwqGDiQ[/youtube] (h/t Think Progress) BTW, La Raza’s slogan is “Strengthening America by promoting the advancement of Latino families” not, as Tancredo says, “All for the race. Nothing for the […]

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How To Lose Women And Hispanics In One Fell Swoop

Filed in National by on May 27, 2009 21 Comments

As if the Republican Party hasn’t purged enough.  Inhofe brings on this gem. “Of primary concern to me is whether or not Judge Sotomayor follows the proper role of judges and refrains from legislating from the bench. Some of her recent comments on this matter have given me cause for great concern. In the months […]

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Oops! RNC Accidentally Releases Their Sotomayor Talking Points To The… Media!

Filed in National by on May 26, 2009 21 Comments

Honestly, can these people walk and chew gum at the same time?  At the very least they should consider banning their members from using technology. Whoops. The Republican National Committee (RNC) has apparently inadvertently released its list of talking points on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Included on the released […]

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They Keep Talkin’, But They Ain’t Sayin’ Nothin’

Filed in National by on May 4, 2009 5 Comments

This video sums up the Republican problem.  Maybe they’re right in choosing Carrie Prejean as their new poster child, since they’re all beginning to sound like Miss America contestants.

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I Don’t Think The Message Could Be Clearer. Moderates Are You Listening?

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 30, 2009 14 Comments

Via Think Progress: This morning on CBS’s Early Show, RNC Chairman Michael Steele strongly endorsed Rush Limbaugh’s reaction to Sen. Arlen Specter’s (PA) decision to leave the Republican party. Limbaugh had responded to Specter’s departure by calling him “dead weight” and claiming that it said “nothing about the state of the GOP.” Steele said that […]

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Republican Town Halls

Filed in National by on April 30, 2009 12 Comments

Republicans have decided to go to the people.  Their plan is to hold a series of town hall meetings designed to generate ideas. “The NCNA will bring together citizens from across the country to begin a dialogue with the American people through a series of forums, town halls, and an online effort that will engage […]

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Republicans Waste Away

Filed in National by on April 28, 2009 16 Comments
Republicans Waste Away

The numbers tell their own story.  Only 21% of those surveyed now identify themselves as Republicans.   In March the number was 25%.   Last November…  32%. Conservative enough for you? These numbers are appalling, and, I’m beginning to think, irreversible.  But the GOP has no one to blame but themselves.  You guys wooed these […]

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What Could Possibly Happen Next?

Filed in National by on April 27, 2009 8 Comments

First, McCain states that “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” – and the economy tanks. Then Jindal mocks volcano monitoring – and Mt. Redoubt erupts. Now, Susan Collins cuts flu pandemic preparedness from the stimulus – and Swine Flu hits. What next?  Will high-speed rail sweep the nation?  It’s bad enough being wrong in […]

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Boehner Passes Gas

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009 8 Comments

Boehner blames cows for Global Warming. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te3J5Rd-jf8[/youtube] Words cannot express how sick I am of Republicans donning lab coats in order to play scientists on television.  Global Warming is not a political argument, but I’m beginning to think that everything is political to Republicans.  They are solutionless on all fronts – Worse, they’re actually proud […]

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