Tag: Rick Santorum
Those Republican Classes On How To Woo Women Aren’t Working

After the 2012 election, Republicans announced that they would be changing their ways. Call it outreach, sensitivity training, whatever, they knew they had female problems. They also have minority problems, immigration problems, LGBT problems, 47% problems, but I’m going to focus on their female problems for this post. Let’s start with their latest example. Mike Huckabee.
I’m Calling It For Santorum

Know why? Because we’ve seen this scene before. My guess is that Santorum will be the 2016 Republican nominee. He was first runner-up in 2012, so… it’s his turn. Rand Paul will take over his father’s role and act as spoiler. His Libertarian supporters will be rabid, as usual, and the Evangelical community won’t trust him. Meanwhile, the “business and money” side of the GOP will once again run a Jon Huntsman and lose quickly.
Which means… the nomination is Santorum’s. And I think it will be an easy win, mainly due to the make-up of the Republican primary voter. These voters are incapable of seeing past a primary to the general, and when you consider how many moderate Republicans have left the party then you understand who will pick the nominee.
The Republican’s base motto of “He’s not Conservative Enough” will finally be tested.
Late Night Video: Santorum Aborts Campaign

Special thanks to commenter V for bringing this to our attention.
Santorum Frightened of Romney, Truly

Rick Santorum sent out a campaign letter which just arrived to voters in Iowa that he is frightened of Mitt Romney. It truly frightens me to think what’ll happen if Mitt Romney is the nominee. You can read the letter here. It should also be noted that as of Monday, Santorum has not endorsed Romney.
Santorum’s Next Step

Nate Silver guesses at what Rick Santorum’s next step will be. I’m guessing that he will NOT be running for any statewide office in Pennsylvania. Instead, he will be gearing up for 2016 which will entail traveling around the country fundraising for various conservative politicos and earning the all important favors that will be called […]
I’m Crazy and I’m Right
In honor of Santorum leaving the GOP race and finally letting Multiple Choice Mitt say YES to the GOP dress, here is this fun bit from the Bad Lip Reading Crew:
Santorum’s Daughter Hospitalized
Rick and Karen Santorum’s 3 year-old daughter was hospitalized yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Tomorrow’s News Today: Santorum’s Last Stand

A look into the future at the end of the Santorum campaign.
Exclusive Pictures: Rick Santorum Tanning in San Juan – UPDATED

Campaigns are extremely tough on a person’s body. Especially if you’re running for President. This could explain why Rick Santorum is catching some rays poolside at La Concha in San Juan. La Concha is one of the host hotels for the Atlantis Events Exotic Southern Caribbean Cruise which leaves San Juan on Sunday on the Celebrity Summit. This cruise will have about 2300 gay men on it and most are staying at La Concha. I wonder if Ricky was looking for something on the DL.
Romney’s Santorum Problem
I understand (sorta-kinda) Republican delegate math. I get that, according to those in the know, that Romney is still the favorite for the nomination, but…
Rick Santorum is now the National frontrunner. If you’re counting, that’s three polls showing Santorum ahead of Romney. He’s also leading in Michigan.
“It’s Not My Job.”
To John McCain’s credit, and Sarah Palin’s chagrin, John McCain did correct people in the audiences of his speeches and town halls who wrongly believed that the President was a Muslim. To someone like John McCain, where integrity, honor and truth seem to matter a great deal, I suppose not doing so, and allowing such malicious disinformation that is fostered on many corners of the right to grow, was a rubicon he could not cross.
Rick Santorum has no such trouble.
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