Tag: Sarah Palin
The Noise Machine Sputters
The furious spinning on the right isn’t taking hold in the discussion on the Giffords shooting.
It’s Palin Hunting Season
As the GOP is wont to do, they’ve have begun turning on their own. Obama’s 14 point lead over Teapubican Sarah Palin must be scaring them.
Broken Clocks and Dumb Luck
The world has turned upside down as I find myself agreeing with Sarah Palin.
Tornoe’s Toon: Christine O’Donnell Dancing With the Stars
Is it too good to be true? Probably, but a cartoonist can dream, can’t he?
John Shadegg Shouldn’t Drink and Talk
I saw Rep. John Shadegg(R-AZ) on Morning Joe on Tuesday morning. He made a complete fool of himself. First, he says (and then doubles down), on his belief that unemployed people save their money, rather than spending it. Then he can’t get the gumption to criticize Sarah Palin as he evades a direct question over […]
Monday’s Asshats of the Day
Numerous winners today, so I’ll get right to it. First winner, that lard ass of a NJ governor Chris Christie, for demanding that the Delaware River and Bay Authority stop letting employees and retirees get free tolls if they use EZ Pass when crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Only problem is, DRBA doesn’t have such […]
Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day
I’ve been away on special assignment (actually, just been busy putting together my agency’s annual financial report to Congress), but Asshat returns. Like mother, like daughter, today’s winner is a bit of a loose canon, especially with her mouth. It seems that Willow Palin was upset that some stranger on Facebook dissed her mama’s show […]
Time To Stock Up On Bendy Straws
Tonight Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity that she is going to come to Delaware to campaign for Christine O’Donnell. I’m sure this will really help, since Sarah Palin has a favorable/unfavorable rating of 22/48.
Palin vs O’Donnell Rumor
Take this with a grain of salt, but – given the personalities involved – I’m leaning towards believing this: Sarah Palin helped Christine O’Donnell rise to Tea Party pre-eminence, but now the former Alaska governor is questioning the wisdom of her decision to help the upstart. Palin fears the sexy younger politician will steal her […]
O’Donnell Lands The Mama Grizzly
Sarah Palin endorsed Christine O’Donnell on Sean Hannity’s radio show.
Grizzly Power in Alaska
There’s an upset in the making in Alaska, Palin-endorsed challenger Joe Miller leads sitting Senator Lisa Murkowski 51-49.
Shakespearean Comedy
Sarah Palin hit the trifecta of dumb this weekend on Twitter, showing her religious intolerance, her poor grasp of English and her arrogance all in one day.
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