Tag: Tom Carper Sucks

Carper Sells Out To Drug Companies

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 23, 2009 24 Comments

From a Booman Tribune post entitled, “For Shame, Tom Carper”, comes this gem (bold text added by me): In any case, there are people who qualify for Medicaid because they have a low income. And there are people who qualify for Medicare because they are 65 years-old. Then there are people who qualify for both, […]

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Tom Carper’s Moderate (sic) Caucus

Filed in National by on March 28, 2009 17 Comments

Is Carper’s Senate Dem “moderate” caucus really moderate? When it comes to taking care of banking industry sugar daddies it seems zealous.  Some may even speak the unspeakable word, “extremist.”   Here is David Waldman as quoted in a MYDD post by Todd Beeton:  Again, nearly 2/3 of the American public supports giving assistance to homeowners struggling with […]

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Trouble for Tom Carper

Filed in National by on February 26, 2009 18 Comments

Outside of Delaware it is widely known that Tom Carper is the WORST blue state Dem in the Senate. This is bad news for Carper unless he cleans up his act and starts acting like a Democrat.

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Carper still favors capitulation

Filed in Delaware by on February 24, 2009 6 Comments

h/t Politico: “The majority has to be inclusive,” Obama told about 150 legislators and expert gathered at his accountability summit, “But the minority has to be constructive… The minority then has to come up with… ideas, and not just want to blow things up.” Later, when Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) implored him to continue reaching […]

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Deep Out of Touch Thought

Filed in National by on January 9, 2009 14 Comments

I find it odd that Republicans in Congress (and some Democrats cough..Harry Reid…Cough…Tom Carper) are hoping for a big public backlash against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.

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