Message to Delaware Farmers: Hold On!

Filed in National by on September 23, 2007

Farming soy beans in Delaware might just make you rich if you can hold the developers off for ten more years.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    We got rid of the Republican Levy Court Developer ‘Water Carriers’ last election. Its a start.

  2. Sussex Countians have got to unite against flamboyant the greed-mongering of their council and run and elect alternatives.

    The AG district is ever-shrinking and Minner’s planning office sets back and lets it slip away.

    Jason provides a free market incentive for the larger farms but your Toll Brothers of the world do not accept that their market has hit the skids, and when has any slower-lower ever much been tempted by common sense?

  3. er, ‘the flamboyant greed’ MORE COFFEE!