Support the War

Filed in National by on September 23, 2007

As someone who sees Bush’s debacle for what it is I am often accused of not “supporting” the war. The accusation is generally accompanied by some vague assertion that my lack of support is contributing to our poor showing in Iraq.

This is idiotic on it’s face so I never gave it much thought. Until tonight.

Tonight I watched the Ken Burns PBS documentary The War. Listening to the stories of the people who fought on the front lines and the home front it occured to me that if I don’t support this war, then Republicans don’t support this war either.

If Republicans supported the Iraq war, they’d be doing stuff. They would do something like heading down to the recruitment office. Or raising taxes. Or selling war bonds. Or basically ANYTHING – instead of nothing, which is what they are doing.

So Republicans – SUPPORT THE WAR. If you think freedom is as stake, do something about it. SUPPORT THE WAR and stop contributing to our poor showing in Iraq by withholding your support.

NOTE: Blogging does not count. You have to get off your ass in some way. Now “git ‘er done!”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (11)

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  1. Joe M says:

    I’m not following how this got turned around to only the Republicans…

  2. jason330 says:

    I used “Republican” for anyone who has tried to say that my lack of support for the war is impacting our effort.

    It was probably overbroad – but I think that most of the people who try to link our failure to liberal criticism are Republicans

  3. So all those keyboard commandos can’t use blogging? How about helping your father run for president?

  4. RickJ says:

    I tried selling War Bonds, but it turns out they have to be Government-issued, and not printed on my computer.

  5. jason330 says:

    At least you tried.

  6. cassandra m says:

    Helping your father run for president

    From Slate. There is a commercial at the beginning of this video.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Are you telling me that it’s not ok to show your support only by consuming and typing?

    You’re such a bunch of Islamo-defeatocrats! 😉

  8. Disbelief says:

    How dare you tell me I don’t support our troop!!! Even though I didn’t pay attention in high school, never bothered with a GED, and bitch about immigrant labor doing my unskilled job better than me for less money, I got stickers all over my pick-up truck!!! This vindicates the entire waste of my life and enables me to feel superior to you left-wing hippies!!!

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Forget about supporting the war. The head of the Religious Right is at a Q&A session at Columbia U!

    Oh wait, not that Religious Right…..

  10. donviti says:

    politakid comes to mind

  11. Ryan S. says:

    I’ve helped out with several fundraisers (with and without UD’s College Republicans) to raise money to directly support the troops with body armor, air conditioners, and other supplies.

    Obviously, you should also support the anti-war effort by refusing to pay taxes this year. That’s activism.